Truth or Dare?

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Me and goth have been talking a bit the snack table for a bit, when I got a bright idea. "hey Goth!" I say smiling. "What?" He said looking at me again. "Truth or dare?" I say giggling. "Um. Truth?" He said. I giggled. " do you like someone?" I asked. He blushed. "Y-yeah." He said. I gasped. "Your turn!" I say. "Y/n truth or dare?" He asked. "Dare!" I say. "I dare you to~... Get others to join in playing!" He said. "Ok!" I say. I 'fast walked' up to Dream, Cross, Cloud9, and Error. "Do any of you want to play Truth or dare with me and Goth?" I asked looking up at them excitedly. "Uh. Sure" Cross and Error said. "Sure!" Dream said walking over to Goth with Error and Cross. "I don't think we've met. I'm y/n! Lovey to meet you!" I say holding out my hand. "Nice to meet you too" Cloud9 said. "Ok! Now do you want to play?" I asked. "S-sure" he said. "Yay!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the others as we sat around the living  room. Ink and Nightmare joined to. "Ok goth! I did it! Now. Hmm" I looked around. "Mr. Error! Truth or dare?" I asked. He seemed shocked I picked him. "Hm dare" he said plainly. "Um. I dare you to" I giggled at my thought. "Bring everyone drinks!" I say still giggling. "Ok" he said getting up and passing everyone drinks. "Thank you!" I as he handed me my drink. "Nightmare. Truth or dare?" He said looking at Nightmare. "Truth" he said plainly. "Is it truth that you have ever liked or still do someone in this room?" Error asked. "Yes" he said blushing a bit. 'Hmm. Wonder who?'. "Cross truth or Dare?" Nightmare asked. "Dare!" He said. "I dare you to let someone here sit on your lap for the rest of the game" he said wearing a crooked smile. "Um. Y/n? Would you mind doing it? You are the lightest!" He said his blush getting worse by the word. "Um sure!" I say walking other and gently sitting on his lap blushing a bit. The others looked mad? Idk. "Ink truth or dare?" Cross asked. "Dare!" He said. "I dare you to run around the front yard and yell. 'Im single ladies!'" He said laughing. Everyone started laughing. Ink sighed and stood up walking out the door. Me and everyone else had their phones out. "Puts those away!" Ink yelled. Everyone put their phones away but me. I his behind Cross and recorded the whole thing. I started laughing. Everyone looked at me weirdly. I showed them all the recording. Inks face flushed rainbow. While the other burst out laughing. "Give me that phone y/n!" Ink yelled face still a rainbow mess. "We're not in school~! You gotta catch me~!" I laughed/teased. "Grr! Come here!" Ink yelled running to me. I ran out side and everyone recorded Ink chasing me around the yard! I couldn't stop laughing even while running.

Hope u enjoyed!
Have a great day~!!!

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