525 31 1

Jason Taylor

When I wake up in the morning the first thing on my mind is Haley and I smile at that.

Suddenly cold water is poured over my face and I sit up abruptly.

Chase is laughing loudly on the floor, but I am still in such a good mood I just throw a pillow at him.

"Tell this Laura that she makes you even more devilish!", I complain, but secretly I am thrilled that finally a girl caught Chase's attention.

Chase manages to pull himself up into a sitting position, but cannot stop chuckling.
"I should've made a video for her, she would've loved that!"

I roll my eyes at him and start to walk into the bathroom, when Chase says: "First I thought you heard me coming, because you smiled and I thought Damn he knows and just waits for me so you can pour the water in my face, but you didn't and it was hilarious !"

"Just thought of something.", I state and before I close the door I hear Chase mutter: "Or someone."

I shower, brush my teeth, dress and make my way downstairs. Mum already left so it is just Chase and me.

I fill Chase in on yesterday's events and he says: "I like this girl Jason. She'll be good for you! She sounds so sweet and innocent."

I frown at him and respond: "You have Laura!"

Chase chuckles and tells me: "Don't be jealous! Haley is too sweet for me, but Laura damn she is something else."

I smile contently at him and then tell him about the laughter.

"WHAT?! The bitch is cheating on you??, he seethes.

I just shrug my shoulders and explain: "I don't really care, I'll break up with her today."

"But give her hell for that! Nobody deserves that!", Chase exclaims and I nod at him, totally agreeing with that.

"Can I be there when you do it?", he asks childishly.

I laugh at him and say: "NO! I'll tell you afterwards you drama queen!"

He sulks and I throw a napkin at him: "I don't know if Laura is such a good influence on you, you seem more girly than usual nowadays."

However, this does not rile Chase up and I instantly know that he is serious about Laura.
Like me Chase never had a serious relationship that lasted more than two months. He occasionally dated and had fun, but that was it. However, since Laura was in the picture he changed his ways and I was really glad to see him like this.

During our drive to school Chase tells me that he has plans with Laura after school. When I ask him when he is going to indroduce her to mum and me he says: "I'll introduce you to her soon, but I'll wait with your mum. You know what it means when Linda meets a girl - it's serious and while I totally want to make Laura my girlfriend, I want to wait for a bit just to see if Laura is serious about me."

I nod at him and respond: "I know what you mean. Since you told me about the popularity girls get when they are together with someone from the football team, I would want to wait too."

I then look at him and tell him honestly: "I'm glad you found her Chase!"

Chase smiles at me and says: "Okay now let's stop being so sappy, we really sound like girls!"

I laugh at him and soon we arrive at our school. When I want to make my way towards the school entrance I notice Cecilia arriving with her car and shoot Chase a look.

He fist bumps me and before he leaves he tells me: "Give her hell!"

I nod my head at him and head over to Cecilia's car.

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