Special I

471 25 3

Jason Taylor

It has been two weeks since Haley found out about Dean cheating on her and me knowing about it.

Although I am aware that Haley should have learned from me that Dean cheated on her, I am somehow glad she is able to put herself in my shoes and realizes how hard that would have been.

Since two weeks I try my hardest to show Haley exactly how much she means to me and how serious I am about our relationship. I definitely do not want her doubting my intentions and I am pretty sure Haley has questioned my view on our relationship after she realized I kept Dean's cheating to myself.

While I am sure that Haley now knows exactly how crazy I am about her and how in love I feel, I am still hesitant to take the next step - sex.

However, I have no superpowers and while I somehow was able to restrain myself I also realize that I cannot hold back for much longer. Haley is just so perfect and all I want to do is show her how much I love and adore her.

Today is friday and my mom has another night shift meaning Haley will be staying for the night. While I am really looking forward to spending so much time with my lovely girlfriend, I am also nervous, because I think tonight is the night.

I have had sex before, but with Haley it means so much more and I just want it to be good for her.

During this two weeks we talked more about our previous relationships and it stunned me how ready Haley is to experience new things with me. Honestly, I do not know how Dean was this blind to Haley's needs.
Do not get me wrong, I am really glad that Haley speaks to me this openly, but I just wonder how one can be so stupid to not want to satisfy those needs. I mean, it is Haley, fucking gorgeous, sexy Haley.

Just thinking about Haley telling me blushingly what she wants to do with me gets me hard.

I sigh dreamily and take a look at our kitchen clock. Haley will be here in an hour so I should start cooking.

I walk towads the fridge, getting everything I need and start cutting the vegetables.

I smile to myself when I push the lasagna into the oven. Haley loves lasagna and I can only imagine how her beautiful face will light up when she smells the delicious scent.

I still have time for a quick shower and dress afterwards in Haley's favourite grey shirt.

A smile starts to spread on my lips when I remember the day when Haley told me I really looked good in this shirt.
We were in a heated make out session on Haley's bed and although I was really enjoying the hell out of kissing Haley I wanted to have less clothing between us. So I got rid of my shirt and Haley's eyes followed my dumped shirt on the floor.

I chuckled at her disappointed expression and embarrassed Haley admitted that she really liked that shirt on me.

However, I could convince her that her bare skin on mine was even better.

I groan when I think about Haley's sexy body on mine and I start to get hard again, but luckily the doorbell brings me back to reality again.

I hurry downstairs and open the door for my gorgeous looking girlfriend.

Haley wears a blue dress with white stripes that fits her like a second skin. A brown belt around her waist compliments the outfit even further and her golden hair is braided.

With other words Haley looks stunning.

A smile lights up my whole face and I compliment her: "You look gorgeous, baby!"

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