401 26 0

Jason Taylor

It has been been two days since I last saw Haley and it is safe to say that I miss her. A lot!

Nothing can cheer me up and every time when I think about the betrayed look in her eyes I hate myself a little bit more.

I am miserable without her. It is like Haley is the sun in my life and without her everything good is gone.

Today is thursday and Laura told Chase, who told me, that she will go over to Haley's today.

I am glad that her fever seems to be gone and that Laura is there for her, but I wonder if Haley has already read my letter.

Did Matt give it to her? However, I am pretty sure that Matt kept his promise so I think there are two options.

Option one: Haley has the letter, but has not read it yet and maybe she does not plan to.

Option two: Haley has read the letter, but it did not help my cause at all and she never wants to speak with me again.

Chase told me that there maybe a third option, in which Haley read the letter and just needs time to sort everything out, but I seriously doubt it.

At first I tried to be hopeful, but after two days my hope vanished and I am not sure what to do anymore.

Should I call Haley? I do not want to bother or pressure her, but I definitely want to hear her soft voice again.

I miss everything about her!

I cannot pay attention in school, because my thoughts always circle around Haley and so I decide to give myself a deadline.

If Haley does not contact me by 7 pm tonight, I am going to text or call her.

Although I want to give her the time she needs, I just want to know where I am standing.

Even if Haley does not want to see me ever again, I plan to fight for her. I know that she and our relationship are worth this, I just hope that I can convince Haley as well.

Fortunately we have football practice today, because our usual practice tomorrow is canceled due to the holiday. Football is the only thing that seems to distract me from my problems and I am glad that it also works today.

In the dressing room I notice Chase check his phone. I really want to know if Laura texted him and if he knows anything about Haley, but I refrain.

Still I keep staring at him until Chase turns to face me.

At first his eyes widen when he catches me staring at me, but then his face softens.

Chase knows exactly how miserable I have been the last few days and I am really gratefull that he tried to cheer me up several times. He also spend more time at home and I really appreciate his afford.

"Laura's at Haley's right now, but we're going out tonight.", he tells me and I nod my head.

I do not know if that is a good thing, because it could either mean that Haley's and Laura's conversation went good, meaning Haley will contact me, or it went bad, because they both decided it would be the best thing if Haley never speaks to me again.

My shoulders fall at the prospect of never feeling Haley's touch again.

Gloomily I make my way together with Chase to my car and we drive home.

"I'm sorry if Laura was mad at you as well.", I tell him after we climbed into my car.

Chase rolls his eyes and replies: "She was at first, but Laura soon realized that she'd probably handle this situation the same way if you and Haley's roles were reversed."

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