416 27 1

Haley Scott

I am still able to feel my blush on my cheeks as Jason and I go upstairs again to continue studying.

I love the way he knows when I am too uncomfortable. That is also the reason, I think, why he suggested to study again. Relieved I agree, because I somehow cannot trust my feelings right now. I do not know if I interpret too much into his answers, but to me it feels like Jason wants to tell me that he really likes me. And this makes me so incredible happy!

I am glad that we are able to have those conversations and Jason seems to know my limits really well.

We continue studying for a while, but honestly it involves a lot of strength from my part to focus on math and not on Jason instead. How I can feel his heat next to me, how I want to touch his hair, because I want to know if it really is this soft as it looks like, how I crave his touch and be in his arms again and how I want his soft lips on mine.

When his phone dings I almost jump out of my seat, because my thoughts were solely focused on Jason.

He looks amused at me, but his grin falls when Jason reads the text he just received.

"Is something wrong?", I ask worriedly and Jason immediately smiles at me again.

"No, I just have to leave now, because my mom wants me home for dinner.", he explains.

Although I somehow know, why he does not want to leave I tease him a bit about it and maybe another reason is that I would like Jason to tell me out loud.

"Why did you look like that just then?", I want to know.

Jason smiles at me and responses: "You know exactly why Hales. I don't want to leave you!"

I beam delighted at him and Jason chuckles and mumbles: "The things you do to me!"

Inwardly I smile at his statement, but I do not know if Jason meant for me to hear it, so I do not comment on it.

When Jason thanks me again for cooking again and me promising him that it was definitely not the last time, I realize that I want to tell him something as well.

Before he is out of the door, I gently grab his hand and Jason immediately turns around. I blush when I tell him softly: "I don't want you to leave too!"

Instantly I find myself in an embrace and I do not hesitate to hug Jason back as well.

"That makes me so unbelievable happy, you've no idea!", Jason whispers huskily into my ear.

I giggle softly and answer: "Oh, I think I do!"

Far too soon Jason pulls away and quickly kisses my forehead. It immediately starts to tingle and I smile brightly at him. I notice that his eyes darken again and not for the first time I wonder if it is because of me.

His fingers gently caress my cheek once and then Jason is out of the door.

I chuckle softly at that, because if he would have stayed any longer, I am pretty sure we would have kissed. On the one side I know that I long for Jason to kiss me, but a little voice inside my head warns me that it is too soon. However, this little voice will soon be vanished.

I run upstairs again to finish my other homework, but first I text Jason to see if he made it home okay.

Thanks for studying with me! :)
Did you make it home okay?

The evening passes quickly with my family coming home and telling me about their day. Back in my room I notice that Jason texted me and I instantly reply.

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