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Haley Scott

The past week has been more than amazing. Not only did I get to know Jason better, but it also made me fall in love with him more.

He is such a gentleman, always being thoughtful and asking me for my opinion.

I am still a bit shy around him, but it gets better day by day and I can tell that Jason loves my shy reactions to his kisses or his words, but he is also thrilled when I open up to him more.

Today I am trying to be brave again and therefore I nervously stand in the hall of our house. My mom is currently in the kitchen making dinner and I am trying to work up the nerves to go in there and talk to her.

"Mom?", I say and finally walk into the kitchen.

"Yes sweety?", she asks and looks at me.

"I'm....aah...we're going bowling with Laura and Chase tonight.", I tell her and inwardly smack myself. That was not what I wanted to tell her.

"Oh that sounds fun!", my mom responds cheerily and pays attention to the pan on the stove again.

"Yeah", I mutter, but mom did not hear me and continues to speak: "Jason is such a fine young man!"

I inhale a deep breath, shut my eyes and ask her: "Can I stay over at Jason's house tomorrow night?"

"Sure, sweety", my mom responds, not being faced by this at all.

Surprised I open my eyes just so see her holding back her laughter.

"Really?", I want to know for sure.

My mom shrugs her shoulders and replies: "Why not? You stayed over at Dean's house before."

I nod my head at her, but stupidly say: "But Jason and I just dated for a week."

Inwardly I groan and face palm myself. Why did I say that?

My mom laughs and responds: "Haley you're almost 18 years old and I know that you're very responsible. Also I got to know Jason and your dad and I really like him. So I see no problem why you shouldn't sleep over at you boyfriend's house."

I smile delighted at her and rush to hug her to which my mom laughs again.

She wraps her arm around me and says: "I can tell that you two share a very special bond."

My smile widens even more and I respond: "Thank you mom!"

I then rush upstairs to get my homework done, because I am sure that most of my sunday will hopefully be spend with Jason. I consider texting Jason that I am allowed to sleep over, but I decide not to, because I want to see his expression when I tell him.

My phone indicates a new message and I smile when I see it is from Jason.

I'm picking you up at 7 baby x

I sigh inwardly swooning over him and answer.

Thanks :)
I miss you already! x
And I got a surprise for you!

Then I work on my essay, which is due next week, but I realize that I will not finish it today as I do not have so much time and honestly concentration left.

So I hop into the shower and just when I get frustrated about what to wear Laura calls.

"What do I wear Hales?", Laura desperately wants to know and I giggle.

"I don't know either, sorry!"

After a ten minute discussion Laura and I decide to wear jeans and a nice looking top.

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