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Jason Taylor

"Could you please stop being this happy, it really is annoying!", Shawn teases me and my smile just widens.

He groans at me and I refrain from childishly sticking my tongue out.

It is Haley's fault I am this happy. She does not realize what she does to me. For example, when Haley instantly realized I became annoyed at Peter and Martin being mentioned and she drew soft circles on my back. BEST FEELING EVER!

I could have kissed her when she saw how crushed Ally looked and walked with her outside.

"What is Peter doing man?", Shawn wants to know and I see him walking upstairs with a girl clinging on his arm.

I roll my eyes at him and answer: "I don't know, but how can he be so stupid?"

Shawn searches the crowd and asks: "Is Ally here?"

I take a sip of my water and reply: "She's outside with Haley."

Shawn's eyebrows rise and he asks: "Your Haley?"

My Haley - that thought makes me smile and I respond: "Yes, Haley saw how crushed she looked when Peter went to talk with other girls and headed outside with her."

Shawn whistles impressed and says: "That girl is a keeper!"

I nod my head totally agreeing with him and want to know: "Where's Kate this evening?"

Kate is Shawn's girlfriend and while they are together for almost 2 years they still seem inseparable most of the time.

Shawn instantly smiles at her being mentioned and he responds: "She's babysitting tonight, but I'll head over afterwards."

The other guys join our conversation again, they first talked about the hot girls here and seeing that I have Haley and Shawn Kate we did not participate, and the conversatinon now moves on to some other topic.

I, however, do not pay attention anymore, because I just now notice Dean sitting on the couch with his friends. I know Chase told me that Haley already saw Dean since their break up, but I do not want to confront her with him again so soon.

"Any problems?", Shawn suddenly wants to know and looks in Dean's direction.

I shake my head and answer: "No, but I don't want Haley to see him here."

Shawn nods his head in understanding and I say goodbye to the boys.

"You're so whipped man!", Connor tells me and I smile at him, because I do not find the idea so bad.

I head outside and see Haley and Ally sitting on the stairs. Haley has an arm wrapped around Ally, but both of them seem to laugh.

"Thank you for listening Haley! I know we're almost strangers so that means a lot to me!", Ally tells Haley.

"Anytime!", Haley replies and Ally instantly wants to exchange numbers.

I smile softly to myself and realize for the millionth time that Haley is perfect.

Haley notices me in the door and smilingly says: "Hey Jason."

Ally turns around as well and wants to know devastatedly: "Don't tell me you already want Haley back?"

I laugh at her and tell her: "I'm sorry Ally, but it's getting late and Haley has a tournament tomorrow."

Haley looks confused at me, because it is not even that late, but she does not interfere.

"Do you want to us to take you home?", Haley asks Ally and immediately shoots me a look to ask if it is okay. I nod softly at her.

"That'd be great, I'm beat!", Ally tells us and we make our way to my car. I am glad that Ally decided to come with us that way she will not see Peter and his bed companion.

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