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Haley Scott

The day passes rather quickly and I find myself actually looking forward to lunch. I am aware that I still could meet Dean when I buy my lunch, but the prospect of not having to eat in the cafeteria, but with Jason makes me smile.

After yesterday I am more sure than ever that I am starting to fall for him. I am not yet ready to act on my feelings, because I know I am still not completely over Dean, but I am getting there - rather quick. I try not to interpret too much into my behaviour just telling myself to enjoy my time with Jason.

When the bell rings indicating lunch time I pack my things and walk out of the classroom. I know Laura is spending her lunch with Chase so I do not have to worry about her being mad at me. Usually I eat with her and my volleyball team mates, because the girls are very good friends of mine. I texted them earlier to tell them that I would spend my lunch break outside and politely declined any offers of them joining me. I know the girls were probably concerned about me, because of the break up, but I could not bring myself to invite them to join Jason and me. This selfish act of not wanting to share Jason made me realize even more how deep I was already in.

I suggested that the girls could come over saturday morning for breakfast and they happily agreed.

Currently I am walking to my locker so that I can put my stuff into it during lunch break and I notice Jason already waiting there for me.

My heart speeds up immediately and my insides warm. I quicken my step, but try not to look too eager.

Jason is not aware of me yet, because he is staring into space. This gives me the opportunity to shamelessly check him out. He leans against my locker with both hands in his jean pockets and one foot rests on the locker below mine. With other words Jason looks really hot.
He wears dark jeans and a black v-neck shirt.

As if he can feel me staring his grey eyes lock with mine and they instantly soften. A smile breaks out on his face and he pushes himself of the locker to walk towards me.

"There you are.", he greets me and takes my folders and books out of my hands.

"Thanks, but my locker is right there.", I tell him softly, but actually appreciate his help, those books were quite heavy.

Jason winks at me and says: "But you're still a lady so I'll carry those!"

I smile at him and put my items in my locker. As I turn around to make my way into the cafeteria Jason's hand grabs my wrist softly. Trying to control the pure bliss that shoots through me with his touch, I look confused at him.

"I already bought lunch and it's waiting outside for us.", Jason tells me sheepishly.

My gaze instantly softens and I tell him: "You didn't have to do that!"

His hand then slides into my own and Jason squeezes it gently.

"But I wanted to!"

I smile at him. "Thank you!"

Hand in hand we walk outside and I hate the fact that I am somehow glad that nobody sees us. It should not bother me what other people think of me, but unfortunately it does. On the other side the butterflies in my stomach are wide awake and flutter in my stomach, because of Jason touching me.

Outside Jason leads me to a table that is barely visible, because a big tree is standing in front of it. A tray with loads of food is already prepared and I look stunned at Jason.

He rubs his neck nervously and admits: "I didn't know what you liked so I just bought a lot."

I beam at him and tell him: "Tomorrow we're studying at my house so I can cook something for you to pay you back for this!"

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