440 24 3

Haley Scott

One moment Jason is chasing me, we are both soaking wet, and the next we are both laying on the ground laughing.

I suddenly notice how close our faces are, but I do not want to pull away. Being here with Jason feels so right. So when he leans in, I close my eyes and meet him halfway, because that is what I wanted to happen for so long.

And finally Jason's soft lips touch my own. Fireworks go off and all I can do is kiss him back and hoping Jason experiences the same intense feelings I do.

I feel his arm around my waist tighten as if he is afraid I would pull back, but this thought never even crosses my mind as Jason's lips move on mine.

Electric currents seem to make their way from my mouth through my whole body and all I am able to do is holding on and falling deeper for Jason.

Our kiss starts out soft and almost shy as if we are both scared the other one would not like it. However, we should not have been worried about that as the kiss grows more and more intense. I cannot find the willpower in me to pull away and I do not want to and it seems Jason is not finished kissing me either - thank god!

Instead my fingers, which rested on Jason's chest, tighten in his shirt in order to get closer to him and Jason's fingers wander from my cheek to my hair.

I love the way he touches me as if I am the most fragile thing on earth.

Jason beginns to nibble gently on my bottom lip and embarrassingly I moan, which only seems to encourage Jason further. This is long overdue.
His tongue darts out and licks my lip softly and instantly I open my mouth, because I want to feel even more connected to Jason.

I cannot describe my behavior with Jason, because with Dean I definitely was not this blunt. However, with Jason I cannot seem to stop, I want more and more.

The second I open my mouth I hear Jason groan out in satisfication and that fuels my own need as well. Our tongues touch and never has it felt more erotic than with Jason.

His tongue moves with mine and my need to get even closer to Jason is growing by the second. So I boldly place one hand in his hair only to discover that his brown strands are really as soft as they look. The other hand I place on his face and instantly our kiss deepens.

I am not aware of how much time passes, all I know is that I am addicted to Jason's kisses and that I am almost drowning in the pleasure.

However, unfortunately I realize that I have to pull away, because my lung screams for air. So I pull away and try to catch my breath. Slowly I open my eyes only to notice Jason's hooded eyes are already looking at me. I am relieved to detect that Jason's chest is moving up and down irregularly too, but still I feel my cheeks heaten up.

Jason's fingers caress my cheek again and although I want to I cannot seem to look away from him.

"Wow!", Jason whispers huskily and the butterflies in my stomach stir at this.

Shyly I smile at him and Jason leans in once more.

This kiss is gentle and unfortunately short as Jason pulls away too quickly for my liking.

I unconsciously pout at him and Jason chuckles, pecks me again very briefly and tells me: "As much as I want to continue kissing you and believe me I really want to, we have to get you out of your soaked clothes."

I cannot help, but let my mind wander to an activity, where we definitely have to get rid of our clothes, and my cheeks heat up even more. I have never been this wanton before and it surprises me that Jason has this effect on me.

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