385 19 0

Jason Taylor

"So Haley is coming over tonight?", Chase asks me for probably the third time.

Already annoyed with him I shoot him a look and pay attention to my sandwich preparation again.

"It's just...I didn't think Haley would want to move this fast.", Chase tries to explain.

I chuckle and remember last night's make out sessions in my car. God, just the thought of it makes me hard again.

"Me neither, but I think it's what Haley wants!", I tell Chase and take a seat next to him.

Chase nods his head and responds amused: "Telling from the way she kissed you last night, she's definitely ready!"

I smile at this and as much as I really want to show Haley what she means to me I know that we will not have sex this weekend.

"Still, there'll be no sex today!", I reply and Chase bursts out laughing.

"Maybe tomorrow then?", he gets out before I smack him over his head.

"Tomorrow meither!", I answer and bite into my sandwich.

I really hate showering cold, but for Haley I will do it! I know that she is as much affected by me as I am by her and while that really, really pleases me it also reminds me to take it slow. We have been together for a week and I do not want her regretting anything. And having sex when you just dated someone a week is probably something one would regret later on.

So I chose to wait.

"What about you and Laura?", I ask and notice Chase's expression fall.

"She wants to wait and while I'm okay with waiting I'm not sure how long she wants to wait.", he admits and takes a bit of his sandwich.

"Waiting sucks!", I reply and Chase chuckles.

"Let's pretend Haley reeeaaaally wants to sleep with you and even begs you, you'd still say no?", Chase wants to know and I fist my hands.

"Yes.", I tell him begrudgingly and Chase gasps.

"Seriously man?", he asks stunned.

I nod my head at him and I know that while it would demand A LOT of willpower from my side it would be the right thing to do.

"You just earned more of my respect!", Chase tells me and I chuckling ask: "You wouldn't say no?"

Chase almost chokes on a bite of sandwich and he looks wide eyed at me. Still coughing he replies: "Fuck no! Have you seen Haley?"

I know Chase just means to tease me, but when Haley is concerned I definitely do not understand jokes, especially if we talk about sex.

So I stand up immediately and before I am able to do something stupid like punching Chase, I rush out of the kitchen and upstairs.

"IT WAS A JOKE! JUST A JOKE!", Chase shouts after me, but he knows better than anyone to just let me be alone for some time now.

I meet Salem upstairs and pick him up and walk with him inside my room.

I pet him for sometime and he seems content with the outcome of his recent kidnapping.

I sigh when I remember how Haley and I found him. That was just a bit over two weeks ago and so much has changed.

Thinking of Haley makes me miss her more so I pick up my phone and dial her number.

She picks up on the third ring and already her voice makes me calmer again.

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