394 19 1

Jason Taylor

"I think I'm in love.", I hear Chase mutter to himself while we are eating breakfast.

I choke on my cereal and shoot him a fascinated look, while my mom drops her fork onto her plate.

She beams delighted at Chase and wants to make sure she heard him correctly.

"Did you just say you were in love Chase?"

Chase's eyes instantly widen only now realizing he said his last sentence out loud.

"I meant in love with this bacon and eggs!", he tries to save himself, but my mom would not have any of it.

"So when do I get to meet her?", she wants to know and starts eating again.

I resume eating as well while looking curiously at my best friend.

"Erm...I....well the thing is....JASON IS TOGETHER WITH HALEY!", Chase exclaims and I start to laugh.

My mom rolls her eyes and responds: "I already know that and Haley is coming for dinner on tuesday, right Jason?"

This time I am able to swallow my cereal, but still I have to cough. Chase grins thriumphantly at me and I roll my eyes at him and answer my mom: "Yes mom!"

Chase eyes widen again and my mom wants to know: "So when is Laura coming over?"

He gasps and wonders: "How do you even know her name?"

My mom chuckles and says: "Chase I'm a woman and a mom, I know a lot more than you think. So when is she coming over for dinner?"

"I'll ask her today!", Chase agrees defeatedly and my mom beams a him.

We then make our way to my car and Chase complains about it being too early for Laura to meet my mom.

"She'll be scared to death when she hears Linda wants to meet her!", he exclaims and I chuckle.

"But you met her parents last week.", I try to make my point and Chase nods his head.

"That's true, but I'm the boy. I'm supposed to get to know her parents sooner."

I chuckle again still not getting why he is so worried.

"Just ask her and if Laura isn't ready yet, just tell mom, she'll understand!", I try to reassure him and Chase nods his head.

"You're right!"

"So what was that? You being in love?", I tease him.

Chase blushes a bit and turns his head to the window saying: "Maybe."

I laugh and Chase chimes in: "You're in love yourself!"

I smile thinking of my wonderful girlfriend and tell him: "And not denying it!"

"So how come we don't pick her up?", Chase wants to know turning his face to me again.

I frown, because I wanted to pick her up, but Haley did not want me to

"She has volleyball practice after school and because her practice lasts longer than mine, she told me I shouldn't wait for her and therefore she's taking her bike.", I tell Chase begrudgingly.

Chase chuckles and says: "Haley's something else!"

I smile at that and add: "But I'll meet her once she's at home for a walk."

He bursts out laughing and exclaims: "YOU? TAKING HER FOR A WALK?"

"What?", I want to know looking annoyed at him.

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