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Jason Taylor

Haley Scott is definitely one of the strongest people I know. I do not understand how she is managing to cope with the break up so well, but I am really glad she does.
In my opinion Dean is not worth a single tear, but I was not the one, who dated him.

I try and put myself in Haley's shoes, but all I feel for Dean is resentment, disgust and anger. However, that is probably due to the fact that I know he cheated on Haley. I am also pretty sure that Dean did not have the guts to tell Haley about his cheating, which makes it even worse.

Do not get me wrong! Dean definitely did the right thing when he broke up with Haley, but now I know somethin Haley should. I am caught between the devil and the deep. I do not want to hurt Haley by telling her the hard truth, but somewhere in my mind I know that it is the right thing to do.

After Laura told us the news about Dean's and Haley's break up, she went to search for her. I did not know what to do, because I wanted to help Laura find her, but on the other side I understood that Haley just needed time to collect herself and to think things through.

So I just called and texted her. I felt so useless. Furthermore I am sure if Haley wants to talk with someone, it is Laura and not me, a guy she does not even know well.

Although Chase clearly understood that Laura had to be there for Haley he was still in a foul mood when Laura stood him up. To her defense Laura texted him and suggested that they could go on a date in the evening.

I on the other side was glad that Haley showed up again. I was even more delighted when she texted me back and when I read that she would like to hang out with me tomorrow I was officially declared the happiest person alive.

I am determined to show her that I am not like Dean at all. I want to get to know her and I just know that I am going to fall in love with her even more. Of course I understand that Haley needs time and I am willing to give her this and wait for her until she feels ready. That is if Haley decides that she likes me as well. God, I desperately hope she does.

Until then I want us to become friends, even though I know I cannot see her as a friend, but it gives me the chance to get to know her and make her fall in love with me too.

My phone indicates a new message and I grin like a fool when I see Haley replied to my earlier text.

I laugh when I read that Haley thinks of herself as selfish just because she hopes I get to keep the cat.
Haley is a lot of things, but definitely not selfish. She proved this the very first time I saw her. It was our first day as freshmen and Chase and I had planned to watch the football team after school, because we wanted to become players ourselves. I was just making my way to the gym, where Chase was waiting for me, when a boy my age was tripped on purpose by one of the older high school students. The bully and his group of friends laughed loudly at him, because the bullied boy lost his footing and slumped to the floor. The folders and books he was carrying fell on the floor as well and where scattered everywhere.

I was disgusted with the behaviour of the older boys and rushed to help the freshmen. Before I could offer my help or console him somehow an angel turned up. Her beautiful blond hair almost touched the ground when she bent to pick up the folders and I caught myself wanting to touch it, because it looked so silky. Then she rose again and walked over to the boy, who was trying to collect his items. I could now see that the angel was indeed a girl - a gorgeous one. Her baby blue eyes beamed with vitality and a beautiful smile graced her lips. She wore skinny jeans and a white ruche top, which accentuated her angel like appearance even more.

When the boy noticed her he froze and all he could do was stare wide eyed at her.

"Here!", she said with the most gentle voice I had ever heard to the boy and gave him his folders.

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