Its all starts here

860 12 26

Charlette: 16

"Time to get up honey" dad called I slowly opened my eyes. "Come on your bacons getting cold" he called once more. "Fine fine" I call in a raspy voice.

I got up from my nice soft bed, put my glasses on and grabbed my phone and trudged into the kitchen. "Morning sleeping beauty" dad said as he came over putting some bacon on my plate while kissing my forehead. "Morning daddy" I yarned.

"MACE,LOGAN,GET UP NOW" dad shouted.

Ok pause for a minute.
Ever since dad got custody of us when mum fucked off with her all so special lover. He's tried his best to hold things together and I don't know how to thank him. Most people would of given up and sent us to the children's home.
Ok and unpause.

"MACE,LOGAN GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE NOW MR's" dad shouted getting angry.

"I'll get them" I yarned getting up and heading down the hall. "guys get up or I'm eating everything" I called. There was no answer. I went to Maces room first, I walked in and all his teddys were everywhere under all of them he laid, sleeping soundly. "Mace wakey wakey eggs and bacey" I said softly nudging him.

He rolled over and snuggled up more. "Right that's it" I said picking him up and carrying him into the kitchen. "Got one" I smiled. Dad chucked. I put mace down on a chair at the table.

"And now Logan is going to be a challenge" I sighed walking back out to his room. I went to open his door it was locked.

"Logan dad says it's time for breakfast" I called knocking on it.

"Errr......tell him that I'll be there in a minute" his voice said muffled by the door.

"But you love bacon and eggs" I said.

"I just told you I'll be there in a minute" he called.

"Logan what are you doing that you delay breakfast, you know I can unlock your door right" i called.

"No don't" he called in a panic.

"Why not you have something to hide" I giggled unlocking the door.

"No charlette don't" he pleaded.

I opened the door. He was sitting in bed with morning wood. I started laughing "it's not funny charlie" he huffed. "It is trust me" I laughed.

"Is this the first time or what" I sniggered. "No, yes, maybe I don't know" he huffed.

"Right that is it Logan, if your not at the table in three seconds I am coming in there and dragging you out" dad shouted.

"1" he called Logan started panicking

"2" he called "charlie you have to help me" Logan pleaded

"3 right that's it I'm coming to get you" dad said as foot steps could be heard down the hall. "Too late now bro sorry" I laughed. I moved out of the way as dad barged though the door and stopped dead in his tracks.

He turned round and leaned out the door "look after mace make sure he don't choke or make a mess please" he asked. "Fine" I moaned walking down the hall.

Logan's POV:
Dad closed the door and sat down next to me, and put his strong arm around me.

"So....son have you resuched anything about this" he asked. "Yes and no" i sighed. "What do you mean by yes no" he asked.

"What I mean is that I know what it is but I don't know why it happens" I said. Dad thought for a second before answering "do you know what a wet dream it" he asked. I nodded

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