{Chapter One}

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June 3rd, 2017


I descend the stairs and inhale deeply at the smell of my mom making breakfast. Though like every morning the air never seems crisp and healthy like it should be. It always feels stuffy in here, always feels electric and static. Like touching a doorknob after rubbing your sock on the carpet type of thing. I was almost convinced my grandma was a witch. I laugh to myself, wondering if she put a spell on the house.

But I knew it must've just been the way my mother was a germaphobe. She didn't like opening windows in the summer because of her allergies, but it's nothing that my grandma's special herbal tea couldn't fix. Hence the reason why she's most likely a witch.

I step into our small kitchen, the yellow walls dulled by years of cooking and grease in the air. All the shelves filled not only with spices and salts, but with Knick knacks, pictures, old business cards, etc. There was always an oven mitt laying on one of the crowded countertops filled with old school papers of mine and my grandma's unpaid bills.

Grandma's old blue eyes and sagging smile greet me good morning. I smile in her direction.

"Good morning Grandma. Morning mom" I kiss them both on the cheek and grab the jug of orange juice out of the fridge.

After listening to Grandma's feeble voice complain about her social security and taxes, mom scolds me for drinking from the carton and not using a glass.

"Ashley, how many times do I have to tell you? It's very unlady like. One of these days, a nice boy is gonna ask you to dinner with his parents and you're gonna drink from their carton of orange juice" Although mom scolds me, there's always that playfulness in her voice.

I roll my eyes with a smile and Grandma pats the chair next to her for me to sit.

Mom stands at the stove, always making something. She made eggs for breakfast, something that used to be my favorite meal anytime of the day. But now Mom's special omelets just didn't taste like they used to. They tasted bland and well...gross.

Grandma nudges my shoulder.

"I don't think we should worry about her manners here, Cass" Grandma says, her eyes directed towards my mom before returning to me with a younger looking smile than her wrinkly face hinted at.

I wondered why my witch of a grandma never made a special potion that would make her look younger. I hide my smile, loving the thoughts that went through my head.

"I think she'll know just how to act when Brandon asks her to dinner" With that I groaned loudly and stood from my chair, listening to my mom and Grandma laugh at me.

Brandon had been my best friend since third grade. We were inseparable, did everything together. And though he was handsome and built like a god, me and him never clicked in the romance field. I guess my mom and Grandma were still waiting around for the day when they thought we would magically fall in love. Either that or they thought I was already madly in love with him.

My grandma speaks again.

"But today is a very special day. Last day of high school, kid. Enjoy it" That reminds me of the time and I rush up the stairs and to my room.

I get dressed in my black tank top and skinny jeans. I throw on some flip flops and a red button down shirt over my tank top, leaving it hanging open. I grab my bag and my purse and run back down the stairs in time to kiss my mom and grandma goodbye.

I grab the keys to our sedan off the hook on the wall and run out the door, ignoring the look between my mom and grandma when they see I didn't eat my breakfast. Worry laced their expressions, but I knew they would have to stop being so protective one day. Today I would live without thoughts of them holding me back from having fun.

Tonight I would go where I wanted. Live life to the fullest.


"Go On, Ash! I dare you to! I dare you to run in and back out again!" Brandon yells from the spot of flattened down wheat he had sat it.

The field was large, isolated. The place my mother and grandma always instructed me to stay away from. Especially on this side of the woods. They always said it was unsafe. They told me legends of vampires, ones who lived in this forest. But I was about as convinced vampires existed as much as I did in unicorns or fairies. Even witches, although, yes, I call my grandmother one. But that's only because she seems to have magical healing powers with herbs and tea whenever I get sick.

The wheat stood tall, overcrowding him as I laughed and looked towards the dark woods. It was thick in there, full of trees and harmless creatures. No vampires. I remember the words I told myself. That I would forget about my mom and grandma's warning of this place. I had never heard of anybody getting hurt here. I wasn't any different. I was graduated. I was an adult, I could do what I wanted.

An besides, if I didn't take this dare from my best friend then he would never let e live it down.

I smirk and send a salute to him as I stand.

"Fine! If I'm not back in five minutes then come looking for me!' I joke, running towards the trees with speed. Those years of track did me well. I convinced myself that if I saw a bear or something, then I could run out pretty fast.

I let a fun laugh escape my lips before running into the trees.

They took my breath away, the sight of the giant red oaks only seen from afar before tonight. They looked so much bigger than they did from the road. Seemed so much more real than before.

I looked around, up at the sky in which I knew was there, but could not see. The trees were so thick that the sky was invisible down at this level.

I run further in, wondering what lied ahead of me. My mother's and Grandma's words grow louder in my head the farther I venture in.


Me and Tre crouch behind a few trees at first. We could smell her all the way from the colony and I cursed at Tre for wanting to wait and just watch this girl trek around. If we weren't fast then another male would claim her. I wasn't anticipating a fight tonight.

I breathe in deeply, smelling the sent of her sweet skin. I wondered how her blood tasted as Tre looked at me, his eyes showing a signal of hunger.

If we wanted her back to the colony alive to be our mistress, then the option of sucking every ounce of her sweet blood was out of the question. If we wanted her to be a mistress at all then we would be forced to keep our fangs out of her skin.

I swallow deeply and try and force my hunger away. I didn't have much self control, but if she somehow got scratched or cut and her blood was visible, she was better as dead.

I motion a hand to Tre and we step towards her. The sticks and leaves crunch under our steps, she looks our way with a gasp. Her black as night hair whips around her face. Her eyes are brown and almost black in the night.

She looks brave, unafraid as if she suspected we were humans. A low purr escapes Tre's throat as he manages a "Hello".

It's evident her suspicions are rising as she takes a step back. She looked strong. Had strong legs and natural beauty. She would be a mistress to one of us for sure.

To which one though was still undecided. Today our brother, Mike, would wake from his sleep of two hundred years. He would no longer be a coward when Liz woke him from his sleep to announce our father's death. A stake through the heart ended him. He had left, Mike, the coward and traitor to be King. To be our new ruler.

Our brother would not be our ruler if I had anything to say about it.

Looking back to the girl, I keep my distance. My self control was wearing thin. I leave the work to Tre.

He clamps a hand over her mouth before she can scream. When his claws puncture and scratch her lips, her blood beckons me for a taste. I speed back to the colony, leaving Tre to do with the girl while I sought out a new victim to conquer my hunger. One of our slaves should do me well tonight and ease the discomfort as I watched my brother awake, only to find out he shall be our new ruler.

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