{Chapter Sixty}

97 11 17


March 19th, 2018


Sleeping on a rocking ship was bad enough, but the reality that I was getting farther and farther away from home was making it worse. And maybe the fact that Mike had been acting as if I'd gone and cheated on him with one of the nasty crew members. I shivered at the thought and pulled my measly blanket over me more to fight the chill of the March air. I had wept at the loneliness that I felt, the anger and the confusion, and in the back of my mind, the fear.

And for him to reverberate on me, to say that he had wished he'd never met me in return.

I thought the silent sobs were over, judging by the way I had grabbed a pillow and switched it with my previously wet one. But now the memories kept flooding back from earlier.

In the boat, then on board our own ship and the looks we had gotten.

"Looks like their majesty's have returned unharmed" Came a voice from the crowd, followed by another one and another.

I kept my head down on my boots, the tears already dripping onto the boards under my feet.

A large heavy pat came to my shoulder, sending me a few steps forward and into the arms of one of the crew members. I shuddered, pushed myself away and felt the large hand rest on my shoulder a moment.

I turned and pushed Mike away from me, whispering harshly.

"Get away from me"

He bent his face down to mine, angry with me and a threat in his eyes. How dare I embarrass him in front of his crew?

"You'll do your duty as my wife and come to my side. It will take no longer than a minute until the crew parts-"

I back away again, speaking loudly and turning to the crew standing around with nervous and interested looks.

"Why should I have to play the part of your wife when you told me I'd be treated no more importantly than the rest of the men? After all, that's what I dressed as anyways, I might as well embrace it. And if you think..." I step towards him, lifting my chin as I tried to seem taller, "That I would ever play the part, just to save you god damn pride, then you're wrong! I'll do no such thing, not for even a second..." I back away, watching as Mike lifted his head to the crew and a muscle in his jaw ticked.

"To your cabins men. Now. That's an order" The men part quickly as if afraid Mike were to reach out and beat every one of them.

After they're gone he reaches forward with incredible strength and digs his fingers into my arm.

I keep a strong face, not running away from him.

"If you think, that I will let you speak to me that way in front of them then you're wrong. This is the last time you embarrass me, understand?" His grip grows stronger, referring to a threat.

I stare into his eyes.

"Take your filthy hands off me..." It's a battle between stares for a moment until he finally releases me and stalks off to his own door, slamming it shut so that the whole deck seemed to vibrate.

Now I lay in bed, the tears rolling down my face as I touched my arm gently and felt the swollen marks of his fingers.

I blew out a shaky breath and stood, turning up the fire of my lantern and grabbing the cleanest white shirt I had and a pair of scissors. I cut the top, leaving strips to tie under my breasts and shortened the length of the pants to come above my knee. I strapped my knife to my thigh with some of the material I had cut and pulled my hat back on, opening the cabin door to step out into the sunlight and be greeted with respect by the crew members.

We'd see who'd be treating who like a man now.

A few wolf calls came from the men that I began helping secure cannons to the side of the ship.

"A new look for you, pet?" One of the men asked, being waved off by another.

"Ah, don't mind wee Ronnie there, it's just the first piece of female flesh the lad's seen in days" I nodded to them with acknowledgement, striking up conversation.

"If you don't mind, men, I'd rather be treated like one of you. Strict orders from the captain" The men laugh quietly to themselves and then grow quiet.

I look over my shoulder, clearly seeing the problem. I showed no emotion, but stayed indifferent before turning back to my work, not pausing once to stay and chat with anyone.


My head had been throbbing since last night and my senses had seemed dull until brought to their attention as soon as I had stepped outside the cabin door.

I watched her walk around, her stride confident and strong, oblivious to the people around her.

The crew had grown silent when I stepped out. I heard the laughs stop and the conversations do the same?

Had I really turned into such a monster?

I walked around, approving of the work and keeping my mouth shut to everyone I passed. Until I saw her struggling to tie the loop to one of the cannon needing secured.

"Go under, then over" Her posture stiffened as she looked over her shoulder and then tied it correctly. She stood and turned around to meet my gaze, brushed her hands on her pants and held my eyes.

"Advice, huh?" I shrug a shoulder, give a small nod and try to ignore the looks from the other cre members.

"Just trying to help a fellow crewman out" A glint of something came to her eyes and she took a quick glance down at her chest.

Sighing, she looked back up at me.

"Some advice for you..." She waved me closer and I obliged by taking a step towards her.

Once by her, she pushed a frown onto her face, serious as the sun in the sky.

"Stay out of my way, and treat me like one of the guys, alright?" There was movement below our eyes and I looked down to see her slipping her wedding band off her finger.

She grabbed my hand and placed it there before walking to the next cannon.

"Now if you excuse me, captain. I've got work to do"

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