{Chapter Ten}

142 17 2

Different Hallways

June 7th, 2017


Learning how to walk in a long dress and heels was much different than skinny jeans and flip flops, I had learned very quickly.

After jumping me back up to the treehouse, my husband walks into the kitchen and comes back with a glass of blood.

My initial reaction was a gasp that had me startled and stumbling over my heels. I steady myself on the edge of the couch, watching his fangs, white and sharp over the edge of the glass as the blood drained down his throat.

I felt nauseous and put a hand on my mouth to try not to gag. He seemed unbothered before coming to my side and touching my arm.

I jerked away, hugging my arm to my side.

"How are the wounds on your back healing?" I kick the heels off and send them rolling over the hard wood floors.

I clutched my dress in my hands and walked to the other side of the room slowly.

"Fine, thank you. No vampires have tried to devour me yet this morning so I think I'm good" He sends one single nod before looking to the outside.

I remember him mentioning something about leaving and a deep cloud of gloom resting on my shoulders.

Why didn't I take the chance and ask those women about escaping? Why didn't I just come out as curious and ask for a map of the colony? Surely there would lead to some kind of escape.

"Is something wrong, my Queen?" I tear my gaze from the floor and shake my head.

"You must be hungry by now...thirsty...in need of entertainment?" It was like he was searching for something to keep me busy for a while until Liz showed up to keep an eye on me.

"I'm starving. None of your creatures have so much offered me a drop of water since I've been here. It's just be go, go, go. Do this, do that. Marry a monster who you don't even know. Pretend like everything's okay and put on a smile for your new life..." I didn't know why I decided to spill out all my emotions to him.

I had just been so rushed since I've been here that I was exhausted. On top of everything, no food, nor water, have I even had an ounce of shut eye. And nobody seemed to care, which why would they? I was brought here against my will and haven't had a say in anything.

Tears drip from my eyes and before he can say anything I brush past him with my skirts in my hands to the balcony, overlooking the courtyard where we were married.

"I will find food and drink somewhere else. I've survived this long,  your majesty. I think I can do this on my own" I look back at him and swing a leg over the edge of the balcony.

It was a long drop. Maybe this is what I needed to escape. To just fall to my death. I stare at the ground below, admiring how everything looked so small from way up here.


Queen Ashley swings her leg over the rail of the balcony and terror enters my gut. If she threw that other leg over then she would not survive the fall.

As her other leg begins to move, I dart forward and grab her arm before she can fall.

She whips her head around, staring at me with anger in her eyes.

"What are you doing?! Unhand me! I order you to let me go!" I do as she says after setting her down on her feet.

"That fall would've killed you" She scoffs, her attitude so different than those of the young women I had kept company with some two hundred years ago.

She storms across the room, holding herself with tears in her eyes still.

"You think I didn't know that?! You are far more ignorant than any man I have ever met! Why do you think I would like to stay here, my King?! What here is making me want to stay rather than being returned to my family? With everyone I love! Where I don't have to fear of a Vampire sucking my blood in my sleep! I am so...." She grabs her hair and I don't know what to do.

I'm experiencing so any emotions that I haven't in a long time. I want my Queen to stay here with me, to let her try and find a way to love me no matter what kind of monster I am. I want to prove to her that I can be gentle.

The anger rises in me, the side of my emotions that I cannot hold down.

"You will stay here! Forever! And you will learn to love me and serve your duty as my wife!" The courtyard below us grows quieter and I know that's can hear my loud yelling.

My Queen trembled and shakes with the tears that fall from her eyes. I want to reach out and comfort her, to be able to be comfortable with her in my arms.

But I don't. I turn away and see Liz walking through the doors. Her eyes go back and forth between the both of us, and as if Liz has sided with my human wife, she directs her angry eyes towards me and tells me to leave.

"Go, brother. Attend to your business" Now I really feel like the monster as I turn to walk away and hear my own door slam after me.

I can see through the tinted glass, watching as my wife was more comfortable with my sister approaching her than she was with me.

Was it jealousy I was feeling? Jealousy towards my sister for being able to be so comfortable with my wife?

Why did I have to be the monster and not her? What was I doing wrong? Why was I suffering and nobody else?

When would my Queen finally let herself fall into my arms as she does with my sister?


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