{Chapter Five}

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Why Me?

June 5th, 2017


There's no clock here, but I'm sure that by the way it was almost midnight when I was abducted, that it had to be at least morning by now. That meant I had survived the night, now all I had to do was survive another.

"Do not fret, mistress. I know that being our new Queen must have you stressed a great deal, but I assure you that in the hands of our King you will be taken care of" I raise an eyebrow at Liz who still has her arm looped through mine.

I wondered how she could tell I was bothered. I wasn't showing signs of it. Maybe she could just tell, maybe she was assuming.

She leads me back down the cobblestone hallways and walks a nice pace that I was comfortable with. Being with this vampire chick was the place I've felt most comfortable my whole time here. I wonder if she could tell that about me, too.

I stare ahead at the glowing flame of the torches lining the walls for light.

"Why did he pick me?" I ask bluntly, wondering what it was about me that drew him in.

"Well..." Liz begins "I am not sure. All men have their reasons. But I suspect he was drawn to you for the scent of your blood on your lips. If it were not for whatever you whispered to him, I fear that that would have been you meeting your end. My brother is different from the others...but I would not always count on him being able to control his hunger for the human blood. After you two are joined in marriage, he will likely turn you" I raise an eyebrow as we continue walking.

"Turn me?" I knew what that meant. I just didn't know why. Wasn't the point of me being brought in a human to remain a human? Otherwise it would just be vampires all over the place. But I have seen the healthy glow of humans here.

Liz nods at me, leading me to a room off the cobblestone hallways I have walked today. The room looks like a beauty parlor. Everything you would ever need right at your fingertips. I assumed this was where I would be prepared for my wedding.

"Yes, turn you. If my brother wishes for you to bear him a child then he will have to turn you into our kind first. The colony would highly be against our king producing kin with a human. The child would be killed if anyone ever found out. But it is not so bad. As one of our kind, your children will thrive. He will wish for a son to carry on his name. And he will keep trying until he gets one" I shake my head, breaking away from her grasp.

"What if I refuse his offer of marriage?" A dark look comes over Liz's face.

"Then you will be killed because you are not worthy. You do as the king says. You follow his orders with no questions asked or he is likely to suck you dry" I swallow and decide against the idea of refusing his marriage proposal.

I also push back the idea of trusting Liz enough about questioning escape. It would likely get me killed in the long run.

She smiles and the dark look fades.

"But do not worry, my future Queen. For I can already see you will make him a great wife and bear him beautiful children" I wonder how she knew already.

Was this her thing? Could she see the future? Or was she just trying to sweet talk me because she didn't want me to back out?

Nevertheless, I could not dwell on the subject for long. Liz was already unzipping the back of my dress and I was already accepting that I would be married to the colony's vampire king if I wanted to live to see another day.

I swallow and try not to let my tears fall as I look at the floor and let this vampire dress me for my own wedding.


I pace my sleeping quarters, thinking about all the responsibilities that came with being King. I would have ultimate power, I would be leading my own kind to go kill humans. I would be married soon, the reason why I felt so out of place in my father's long black cloak and matching turtle neck.

One of our housemaids comes to offer me a glass of thick, rich blood before scampering away in fear. I swallow the crimson liquid and feel energy rein through my veins. Hopefully tonight when it came time for our wedding I would not feel the need to feed on my new wife, Ashley.

I sit on my marble slate and sigh into my hands.

You are stronger than this, you can overcome your hunger

Her words rang through my ears. I could not get them out of my head. The way her voice sounded of sheer terror but was strong at the same time. I had never met any mistress who was willing to stick up for herself. That is why Ashley was already so much different. She was of great beauty, but not poise. She was a warrior, a fighter, and so far, untrustworthy. But she would be my wife tonight and for the time being I could not find any reason why I wished to consummate our marriage so soon after.

The colony would be waiting in the courtyard, just outside of our castle, waiting for me to open the doors with my wife at my side, wearing nothing but a white sheet. This would prove of the consummation, this would prove that I would live up my standards to be King.

Whether I liked it or not, things had to be done for me to reign almighty. Even though I found myself unready, I refused to be banished by my own clan. I began to wonder if Liz would go over all of this with her, so she wouldn't be so surprised or unwilling.

Ashley was already a fighter, so would she fight me, too? Maybe if I could just make her understand, then we could both help each other. For if she refused anything I had to offer of her, being the monster I am and the colony I belonged to, she would be severely punished. As my wife and Queen they could not kill her, but if she refused, the courtyard where we would be married would turn into a nightmare rather than a sacred place.

With a knock on the door, all three of my brother's step in to greet me.

Billie wears the smirk that never seems to leave his face. Tre's face is blank and questioning with suspicion. Alex sends a smile that seemed almost real.

"The courtyard awaits you for your marriage ceremony, your highness" Alex speaks, his tone calm.

Still, there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice, as if he suspected foul play or something to go wrong. My gut twisted and I tried not to throw up the blood I just drank.

I nod and without further words, my brothers accompany me outside the doors.

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