{Chapter Eighteen}

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Punishment By The Queen

June 11th, 2017


Her skin is soft but textured under my fingers and her eyes are staring straight into mine. They're suspenseful, waiting for me to do something.

Does she feel it too? The way her gaze can make my body feel hot, the way she can make my heart pound in my chest with a single glance my way. If this is what love felt like, then it sure was painful.

When she had asked to see my back, terror occupied me. Almost threatened to overtake my body. I had never shown anyone my back before, not just upon request. I always hid it from people, ashamed of my scars.

But she didn't run away from the ugliness. She stayed by, strong and confident as she let her fingers trace over them. Her touch so soft and warm that it made my heart beat erratic.

"You'd do that?..." She asks, taking a small step closer to me that sends chills down my spine and warm tingles throughout my body.

When her mouth moves, mine waters and I can feel the movement all the way down in her neck. Her touch again startled me, her small hand on my shoulder where she runs her finger over a scar that had made a thin white line.

"I'd do anything for you. I'd do anything you asked, anything you wanted, I'd throw myself under the whip if it meant keeping you safe and protected" Our voices were so whispered, so quiet and soft.

I step closer to her, close enough that I can hear her breathing, close enough that I can smell the soap in her hair.

Even in the dark, on her cheeks and beneath the tear stains is a pink hue. A blush, something that makes me wonder about the thoughts going through her mind.

Would she let me kiss her? Could I? Would she be offended? Could it ruin everything?

A sound comes from the window and Ashley jumps back from me so quickly that it startles me at how fast she moves.

Liz had jumped through the window for whatever reason, and now she stands with a curious expression on her face.


Liz stares at me and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Mike's touch had been so warm and it made my mind go fuzzy. We were so close, now I was scared as to what could have happened if she hadn't come in.

"Am I...interrupting something?" She asks, smiling and holding back a laugh.

I clear my throat, aware of my face that grows hot.

"No. No, we were just talking" Liz smiles at us, her arms crossed as she walks over.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt that almost-kiss your majesty's, but the court requests the Queen's presence" I was confused as to why the court would be requesting for me, but it was hard to get my mind focused right now.

Had my husband really almost kissed me? Did we almost kiss? Was that what it was to him? To me? Did I want that?

No! I barely know the guy. I'm just vulnerable, awakening from a nightmare and not fully awake. I wasn't aware of what was going on, he caught me at a weak moment.

Oh, but it was so much more than that. I couldn't lie to myself so easily. My husband had made me feel something. Something that made my heart beat a little quicker and my face heat. How could he so easily make me melt into his touch?

But why didn't he kiss me? Was he scared?

I sigh and rub a hand over my forehead that still seemed to be sweating.

"Fine. Just let me find some suitable clothing" Liz nods and glances at my husband, slowing as she sees his back.

Eventually though, she is gone and out the door.

It's hard to meet his gaze now, so challenging that I find myself looking at the floor.

Opening the wardrobe and pretending to look through dresses, I'm still away of his presence in the room. I wondered if he would leave, or if he would be stubborn and just stand there.

One of my suspicions is answered when I hear his footsteps, heavy and slow on the hard floor.

I curse at myself for letting my heart pound so hard in my chest, in anticipation that he may have come over to me.

Trying to forget about him and his nearing footsteps, I continue my search for a dress to wear.

Picking out a simple lavender dress, I turn around and there He is. Standing in my way with curious eyes is my husband, blocking my path to move.

"If you'd see your way out, I need to dress" He looks puzzled that I'd ask him to leave.

"You plan to go without my company, then?" I nod.

"The court has requested my arrival. Not yours. Besides, wouldn't you find it boring to tag along" He steps closer, my heart beats faster.

"They will want me there. And I would feel better watching over you" His protection again is what I'm reminded of.

It makes me smile a little, so I nod again.

"Fine. I will allow you to accompany me for my protection. Wait outside, I will be dressed soon" A hint of humor lightens my husband's eyes and I can only imagine what seems so funny to him.

He smiles and sighs, making his way towards the door.

"Very well, my Queen"

After putting on my dress and shoes, I make my way outside to where my husband and his sister are waiting. Whatever she had mentioned to him before my arrival must've been something to laugh at, for his cheeks were red, sticking out like a sore thumb on his pale complexion.

My husband's eyes find me and my gown, gazing over the material and what it didn't cover. I clear my throat, his eyes snap up to mine.

"Well, then. Shall we get going?"

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