{Chapter Twenty Seven}

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I Gave My Soul To The Vampire

June 27th, 2017


The feeling of his rough kiss has been running through my mind all day, making my toes tingle and my heart beat fast when I wondered if he could tell what I was thinking.

Now he claims that he loves me and the only thing I could say back was:

"Make love to me, Mike" His face changed, his look of honesty and sincerity had turned so serious and uncertain.

"You know our ways, Ashley. And I remember you clearly stating that-" I step closed to him, placing my hands on his.

"I know what I said. But I've changed my mind..." I hadn't, it was a lie. But the want of feeling him inside of me was overpowering everything else.

His eyes grow soft, his face loses the hard glare before overcome with a slightly red complexion. Could vampires blush?

I had so many questions about him and his kind, what they weren't and were capable of. And right now I wanted him to answer one of those questions for me.

The lust fills his eyes and a relieved feeling strikes my chest.

"So...will you?" I ask quietly, his eyes snapping up to mine. His eyes are so dark that they almost scare me, but I like the feeling as it makes my heart beat even faster in my chest.


So her mind has truthfully changed, and now she asks for my love making upon her. A shiver runs down my spine and I can feel the thump thump, thumping thump of my heart beat going crazy.

Her chest moves up and down with each breath she takes and I watch her breasts rise and fall under the thin, sheer fabric of her camisole.

I push a hand onto her waist and she sighs. Pressing herself against me, her breast create cushion against my own chest.

She gazes up at my eyes and for a second we're just like that, gazing...admiring.

She leans forward, doesn't break our gaze and presses her lips against my chin slowly with innocent eyes that scream for me to use every last bit of my energy on loving her. Shivers run along my arms before I wrap them tightly around her and lean my face down to meet hers.

Her lips are just like I remembered them. Warm and full and soft, and everything I desired. They're also begging, wanting me more as she seems eager and rushed to claim my lips as if I wasn't already under her love spell.

I grab her tighter and drink in her taste, drinking and savoring until I couldn't get enough of her. She made my blood feel warm, my heart feel full, and my body feel like I had some kind of high.

Ashley was my high. She was my drug. And I wanted nothing but to overdose on her love.

She made my body react in ways it hadn't before I met her. She made me feel so...so...human again.


His hands caress me and it's unlike anything I've ever felt. Hands that I thought could be so harmful and scary were not so gentle and caring.

"I want to make you mine, Ashley. I want to own you, I want to love you so hard that you fall apart in my arms" His whispers are hot against my mouth, causing him to pull away from me.

With his dark eyes, he gazes upon my body and loops his fingers under the straps of my camisole. My heart beats hard and I put my hands on top of his to answer his questioning eyes.

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