{Chapter Fifty Nine}

98 10 15

Knife Point

March 18th, 2018


My hand shakes as I reach forward and grab the goblet of wine placed in front of my plate. I was aware of the pair of eyes on me, fixated as if he were trying to read me. I keep my eyes down and raise the goblet to my lips, sipping at the red wine before lowering it back to the table in front of my plate of steak and potatoes.

It made me wonder where the crew got such food, where they stored it, where they kept it cold and hot.

"I assume that you are enjoying your visit now?" I raise my eyes to the clean shaven man in front of me and pick up the fork and knife to my right. I lay my napkin across my lap, placing the knife under it as I tried to be discreet.

I cleared my throat and gave a small nod.

"Yes, thank you. The steak is delightful" I shoved a small piece into my mouth and tried not to grimace at the taste of blood.

"Rare, the perfect way to enjoy it, don't you agree?" I forced a smile at the man and shifted in my seat, swallowing with a gulp of wine.

"Oh, yes. Could you excuse me to the bathroom, I'm afraid the wine is getting to me"

"Well then, have some more" The man pours more wine into my half full glass but raises a hand and motions to the door with a smile of interest.

"The toilet is down the hall to the right. Will I be seeing you again?" His voice makes me stop in my tracks as I headed for the door.

His face was serious and almost humorous. I clutched the knife up my sleeve and looked over my shoulder sharply.

"Of course, sir" He salutes me with his glass of win before again mentioning for me to go.

I walked out then and into the dimly lit hallway by torches. A shiver ran down my spine and I quickly traced my steps from the way I had come from the cell.

I was uneasy on my feet as the hallways seemed wrongly empty and unnervingly quiet.

But I pushed forward, slipping off my shoes in order not to leave traces of my boots hitting the hard floor.

It seemed like a final place of refuge as I reached the corner of the hallway that would turn to the cell. With a sigh of quick relief I run around the corner and choke on a gasp.

I grunted in pain as my head hit the back of the wall with force, a crack making me dizzy and my mouth covered by a large hand. For the second time in twenty four hours, I found the tip of a knife pressed under my chin.

But when I opened my eyes I could only let my body put down it's fight at the sight of Mike's eyes.

"What are you doing back here?" He whispers harshly, making me push his hand away from my mouth and his body away from mine.

I rub my neck and try to calm myself, speaking without my voice shaking.

"I was coming back to get you! You imbecile!" Our voices are hushed by echoing off the walls nonetheless.

He takes a step back from me, dropping his hand to his side.

He wipes his arm across his forehead where I see a faint gleam of sweat.

"Come, we don't have much time before they realize I'm gone" He grabs my arm before I can ask and drags me up the stairs onto the deck.

He pushes me to the side of the boat and begins sawing at the ropes holding a small rescue boat to the side of the large ship.

"You've been planning an escape this whole time?" He shushes me but gives a small nod, working quickly with the knife.

I cross my arms over my chest, looking around us to make sure the coast was still clear.

"And did you plan on coming back for me?" My questions seems to linger in the air and I roll my eyes as it goes unanswered.

The ropes finally give and the boat drops into the water.

Without warning, he grabs me, pushes me over the side and sends me thumping down into the boat from a long fall.

I lift my head and groan, pushing myself up onto one of the benches as he grabbed a lantern and turned down the flame before jumping after me.

Once in the boat, all was silent. The only noise was the water around us as it lapped against the sides of our small stolen boat, and the sound of the oars hitting the water.

The silence, lack of words and speech were killing me. I adjusted myself on the bench one more and held my hand between my knees.

"Are you really so angry with me that you can't even mutter a word? Or even a thank you that I had come back to you?" His reply is quick and loud, echoing off the water with surprise.

"What do you expect me to say to a woman who has deceived me over and over?"

I was taken back, offended, and utterly-surprised at the words he chose to say and those that he didn't.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe a thank you for coming back for you. You didn't think I was just gonna let you rot down there int hat cell did you. Or, I don't know, perhaps even an apology. One, for treating me with disrespect, and two for throwing me off the boat. Or even you know, back there in the hallway. Pressing me against the wall and shoving a knife against my throat" He's quiet for a minute, and I turn up the flame to see his expression.

He kept rowing, looking out at the water.

"You threw yourself into the arms of danger and welcomed yourself among my ship. So no, I feel no need to apologize. When we return to the ship you will be treated as one of the men, and no differently" My jaw dropped in surprise and I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

I kick him with my feet and scream, not caring if the whole bloody ocean heard me.

"You bastard! You're such a fucking....you show no remorse or even understanding! I regret the day I ever met you!" Exasperated, I cross my arms over my chest and bite down my lip, trying to force the tears away.

A call comes out in the dark and soon we're floating at the side of our own ship. He stands, grabs onto the ladder and looks back at me.

"Well, that makes two of us"

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