{Chapter Fifty Four}

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(Cute little edit I made regarding Billo. And yes, I'm aware that snow is missing but it was kinda hard to fit her in there)
(Also I'm really excited because we about to see some major drama unfold)

Another War

March 10th, 2018


My peace with Lucile in the early morning was short lived as two loud men, their heavy footsteps, and one small cry of discomfort began echoing of the walls.

Lucile chuckles, taps my chin that I began to lower with a wooden spoon and whispers:

"Chin up, dear"

Mike is the first to cross the threshold, Snow in his arms with her face distorted as it erupted further with ear piercing screams. I wanted nothing more than to place my hands over my ears and dive under the blankets of my bed. This had been my forty eighth hour with no sleep, I didn't know how much more I could take before I suddenly dropped somewhere.

Billie follows, as always greeting me with his shy smile and curt nod.

"Good morning" I reply lamely, shivering lightly with the cool weather that was blowing through the hot kitchen.

"Snowflake seems hungry, hasn't stopped crying for an hour" Oh believe me, I knew the little snowflake hadn't stopped crying for an hour.

I just seemed to be dreading the moment when she would be handed over to me.

I was already so tired.

Taking Snow from his arms, I place her in mine and stand firefly, slowly pacing to the window and staring out at the garden that was still covered in a light dusting of snow.

Pulling away one side of my robe, I expose my breast and press her to it to feed.

I watch in the reflection of the window as the room grows quiet and Mike and Billie are leaning over the table whispering.

"It's going to be dangerous....I have no choice, it's my duty" Mike says just loud enough for me to pick up.

After the feeding is done, I place Snow on my shoulder and pat her back.

"What's going to be dangerous? What's going on?" With inquiry, I ignore the blank and refusing face of Mike who didn't look as though he was willing to share the news with me.

I make my way to the table, snatching the paper up that looked important. It was sealed with wax and on fine paper.

A chill ran down my spine.

Attention goes out to one male of every household. Relations with Colony Thomas have grown into more serious problems. The fight for land, money, and resources has grown into a much greater battle. We need your help. Enlist today. If one male from every household does not enlist, punishments will be carried through with jail time.

The paper falls through my fingers, floating down to the ground with a crumple.

Mike's face is strong, hard and determined. He obviously wasn't giving another thought into not enlisting.

"Let me go. After all, I've nothing to lose. Where as you have a wife and child...I'll go" Billie begins standing from the stool but is pushed harshly down by Mike.

"And let you risk your life for something I should partake in? It's my duty, brother. And if the blisters found out you were mortal? What then? It's too much to risk"

"Then I'm going with you" I say stubbornly.

If Mike was going to fight out a battle and planned on leaving me behind, then I had news for him.

"What? Do you plan on just leaving me here for months? Without you? Worrying everyday while you go out and fight for your God Damn life? Because if that's what you're thinking then you're wrong. I'm not letting you leave me here alone" Ignoring the anger in my voice, Mike grabs his coat and kisses my cheek.

"Of course you won't be alone. You have to stay and take care of our daughter. And if I die out there, then she'll be all that's left of me. You're staying, and I'll discuss no more about it" He's gone and out the door before I can protest anymore.

Lucile and Billie stare at me. Billie seems sorry that he couldn't go and Lucile is trying to figure out what I'm going to do next.

"If he won't let me go, then he won't" I sigh in disappointment and slight anger, but damned if I wasn't going to make up a plan of my own.


Snow was put down in her crib early tonight, leaving me some silence while she napped and some time to plan out what I was going to do.

I was trying to make a plan, but now as I stared down at our small child, I didn't know what to do.

How could I leave her? I suppose if I did then she would be in the arms of Lucile...or Billie. But then how long would we be gone? But I knew I couldn't let Mike leave without me. We did things as a team and part of it made me feel like I had to prove to myself that I could go. That I could participate in a battle and help us win.

I sigh as I stand in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection with suspicion. I lock the door quickly and search through the drawers for clothes. Shedding my dress, I pull on a pair of trousers, a large white button up shirt and find a large hat out of the closet.

I dress in them, push my hair up into a bun on the top of my head and hide it with the hat. I smile at myself and nod with my heart beating faster by the minute.

As long as I could keep my mouth shut and hide my hair, maybe tape my breasts down, then nobody would suspect a thing. Snow all I had to do was to get Lucile to agree to the plan.

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