{Chapter Thirty Three}

169 16 20

Whiskey Fumes

July 4th, 2017


I could see the shallow determination in her eyes, the want of change and speaking out against those who thought they were authority. She sat on the sofa next to me, leaning her head lopsided so it fell against the back of the couch.

She looked near the brink of exhaustion and she seemed too quiet. Didn't seem like herself. I looked over at the small coffee tablet to my side, gazing at the vase of flowers.

The only white rose stood alone and cocked to the side. I glanced back at her before plucking it out of it's hold and making it appear in front of her eyes.

She glances at me, asks:

"Hmm?" Then let's out a small giggle and presses her nose to the middle of the flower.

"It smells nice..." She says, fingering a petal with a sad look in her eye.

She turned and gazed out the window, only seeing darkness even though it was the middle of the day. Where the sun should be high in the sky.

I gaze at her, but she only continues to look out the window until startled by the noise of incoming footsteps.

We both look forward, seeing Liz walking in with a determined stride.

"The court has requested your appearance regarding Sr. Roy in the village. His industry with the liquor business is rising and he needs bonds to be settled" The heavy sigh gathers in my chest.

As King, some things I couldn't avoid. Like politics, governmental industries, etc.

A small glint of humor comes to Ashley's eyes as she smiles at me and pats my thigh.

"Don't come home so drunk you can't see straight" I smile at her and let out a small laugh as I stand.

"I don't very much enjoy the taste of liquor" She makes skeptical eyes at me and I move down close to her face so I can kiss her mouth goodbye.

It's a small gesture of affection, and always after a kiss I find myself never wanting to leave.

But she waved me on and twirled the flower between her fingers. Liz didn't accompany me outside, but rather stayed with Ashley. My mind wandered on what they would do while I was away.


I sighed on the couch, calmly listening to the light claps coming from the courtyard. Another pairing of innocent girls to men I assumed.

"So, how are you getting along, sister? Its been a while sine we've talked" Liz sits down next to me,  and I can manage to smile at her.

"Well..." I begin, wondering what she must've thought when I had been gone for four weeks without contact. What she must've thought that I was doing to her brother, hurting him, going against the colony, going against her trust.

"Let's just say that I'm happy to be back...and that I've missed all of you" There's sympathy across Liz's face, but I know that she doesn't let that mood settle as she stands and offers her arm to me.

"Well then, let's go down to the village and try to get reacquainted" I smile a little, take Liz's arm and remember to place the rose back in it's vase next to the couch.

Liz laughs, sighing almost with a helpless amused sound.

"My brother, such a romantic, eh?" I let a small grin form on my lips as we walk down the stairs.

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