{Reader's Choice}

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Hello all and welcome to my little author's note!

Lately I've been thinking about the future for this book and decided that still with my own ideas and such, there may be some key points and/or ideas and themes/characters that I have been leaving slightly out of the book lately. As well as drama (even though I try to include it as much as possible).

As you can tell, that with the new child Snow aboard the story now, there are going to be quite a few differences. And of course more opportunities for drama! Yay!

So getting to the point, I've decided to make this little chapter here (basically an author's note) to allow my readers to choose a theme or idea that they would like incorporated into the story.

What more would you guys like to see? (I can already tell the comments will be full of "More Billie!" "What's going on with Billie now that he's human?" and if that's what the readers want, then leave a comment!

Leave a comment on this chapter telling me what more you guys would like to see in the story! All comments will be viewed and replied to! Keep that in mind! So without further ado, comment your ideas and wishes people!

BTW this chapter goes out to all of my main voters:






(If I've forgotten you then I'm so sorry!)

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