{Chapter Thirty}

141 17 6

Real Home

June 29th, 2017


My heart is picking up speed as I put the ring closer to my face and look down at it. It looks like two pieces of dull, scratched silver soldered together. A dull, but still flinging red stone in the middle of the ring shines in the light from my desk lamp.

I remember everything about this ring. I remember the way it felt being slipped on my finger get for the first time. Cold, uncomfortable.

I push it back onto my finger and I know that it's where it belongs.

I grab my keys off the desk and swing my bedroom door open. Quietly, I tip toe down the stairs and wish my heart would quiet down. It was beating so hard and loud I thought it would wake up my family.

Finally, down into the kitchen, I jump at the sight of my grandma sitting at the kitchen table.

I gasp and she smiles at me, looks at the ring on my finger.

"You remind me of your mother..." She says before standing. I gulp, confused why she could be acting this way.

She places hands on my shoulders, looks deeply into my eyes.

"Please don't put another spell on me. I know what you are. I know that my whole life has been a lie" Her eyes are genuine as they show sorrow and regret.

"Your mother was only trying to protect you...But once you turned eighteen you were no longer able to be held away from what you wanted. Your mother broke rules, using her magic on you when it wasn't permitted. And now the vampire in you is beckoning you back to the colony" I take a step back, wishing she could understand.

"No. It's not the vampire in me. What's calling me back is the man I love. The colony is where I belong, with him. And nothing is stopping me from going. I made him a promise" She smiles again.

"Just like your mother. I couldn't keep her away either...go...be with him. You won't break my heart" And I believe her.

I hug her long, hard. Kiss her on the cheek and say goodbye.

I start the car and the next thing I know the wind is blowing through my hair.


The air freshener hanging from the mirror in the car dangles as I pull to a hard stop in the grass. Tire marks show the way I travelled through the grass in getting here.

I feel shaken, nervous, but confident.

I sit in the car for a minute before opening the door and listening to the annoying ringing to let me know I left the keys in the ignition. I pull them out, keep them locked tight in my hand and feel comfort as the edges of the keys dig into my palms.

I stare ahead of me at the forest, look at the place where I was captured. Where I thought my whole life was coming to an end.

My life had only just begun.

I start the long walk through the forest, careful not to cut or scratch myself in the doing.

I don't run, only because I need time to practice what time going to say once I see him.

"Hi, hey sorry I left. I was kinda kidnapped by my witch mother and brainwashed for a month"


"Hey, bro. Long time no see!"


"Hey....I'm back"


"I missed you"

A Shade Darker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now