{Chapter Twenty One}

152 16 17

Kiss With A Vampire

June 25th, 2017


Lucile buttons my cloak and flattens down the shoulders, smoothing them until they got the look she desired. The smile hasn't been able to leave my face for hours now, the memories from earlier while splashing my wife and listening to her enjoy herself with giggles. The bubbles of soap hung from her hair after we had finished splashing each other, her dress was soaking wet and clinging to her body. A pleasant shiver runs down my spine, making Lucile pull her hands away.

"Something you would like to share, your highness?" She asks, walking to the wardrobe to pull out a white scarf that would go around my neck loosely.

The smile won't fade, but I shake my head. The thoughts I had about my wife while she was dripping with my bath water were not thoughts I was prone to share.

"I'm simply looking forward to the evening, that's all" I reply, a knowing smile covering Lucile's face as I bent forward so she could reach to put the scarf around my neck.

"I would be, too. Who knows, maybe the Queen has a special gift in order for you tonight" Her voice didn't hint that she had made a plan with my wife for any special gifts, so I just assumed that Lucile was having a dirty mind.

She steps back and admires her work before smiling with a nod.

"You look very handsome for the night, King. I'm sure all the women will be blushing at your presence" Lucile always said that but it became more and more clear with each passing day that I only cared about one woman who I could make blush. And that was the one who would be waiting for me to take her arm to the ball.

Lucile pushes a white rose into my hand before shooing me out the door and having me wait at the bottom of the stairs for Ashley to come out of her room.

My heart began to race in anticipation as I heard a door open and watched as my wife stepped out and to the top of the steps. I swallowed a hard lump in my throat. She was dressed like a Queen.


I slowly descend the stairs and try not to let Mike's gaze heat my skin the way it's threatening to. I needed to remain calm, not blush and giggle like some girl when he let his eyes travel over my dress and the skin that it didn't cover.

The dress, I'm told, was made special for me. Lucile and the other maid had spent a week getting the material and sewing on the stones and beads. How they knew I would even be here to accept his invitation, I don't know. It just must've been Lucile's conscience that guided her. But no doubt the dress was stunning the moment I saw it. The rose gold material and thread shimmering all over under the lights, the stones reflecting the stars and the beads adding fullness to my skirt. The whole thing hung off my shoulders and my dark hair was down and curled, the waves rolling over the skin that my dress didn't cover.

My heels echo off the walls and finally, I've made my way down.

Mike takes his time looking at my dress, admiring it. He looks up at me and his face lights up as if he's remembered he was supposed to give me the rose he held in his hand.

"Oh, here. This is for you..." He gestures it towards me and I take it out of his hand while wondering where he got it.

I've never seen any roses growing around here, and I've never smelled one so sweet.

"Thank you" Slowly I walk towards the coffee table in the living area and place the bright flower in an empty vase.

Turning around, he's right there ready to offer me his arm.

I take it with a smile and sigh.

"So, are people bringing gifts?" He scrunches his nose up at the word.

"No. We don't get gifts for our birthday's. Only a celebration. Many people don't even care, they just come for the wine and hope they find a beautiful woman to dance with who will follow them home" His words are true, but they sound sad.

Like he had remembered getting gifts but now the fun part was all over. Now nobody really cared, or so he thought.

"What would you like for your birthday then? Anything. Everyone deserves some kind of present" I wanted to regret the words as they flew from my mouth, but the feeling just wasn't there.

Somehow, deep inside, I had meant it. Anything.

 Making our way down to the ballroom, he looks at me and answers.

"I'd like you to dance with me and not run away this time" He looks at me sincerely and I look ahead at the couples all dancing together on the floor, others sipping at wine and giggling.

I look back to him and nod.

"If that's what you want" He smiles, seeming satisfied that I had agreed to his offer.

We walk through the doors and he seems to brush off the stares from other people. Men whispering to each other and snickering, women whispering and blushing.

People bow in our presence before attending back to their conversations and letting the room grow loud with noise again.

He grabs my hand  and intertwines our fingers, I place my hand on his shoulder and my mind fogs with the memories of how his scars felt under my fingertips. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he places his other hand on my hip and we begin to sway.

He knows rhythm, he can keep time with the music, and he's sincere with his eyes while he dances. He lets his eyes show all the emotions that he feels and I don't miss the way they're saying something. A message that I can't decode.

"Are you having a nice birthday...my King?" My voice comes out slow and quiet. I'm surprised he can hear it over the crowd.

He smiles, holding me closer.

"Yes. It's turning out to be my favorite so far" He grasps my hand tighter and spins me so that my back comes back into his chest, his arm over me as we dance closer.

His breath hits my neck with every exhale and the air between us seems barely breathable.

I swallow and ask breathlessly:

"Did you get everything you wished for?"

He spins me again, this time our chest meet the same time our eyes do. The electric, it was there again. The same feeling that prickled my skin and left me short of breath on the night Liz came through our window.

"Almost" He replies, his voice low and whispered.

I stare up at him, becoming oblivious to the crowd around us.

"And what else do you wish for?" His hand on my hip travels up my side and to my back as he bends his face towards mine.

"First promise me that you won't run away" I nod, the air so tight I can't get a breath.

"I promise" He licks his lips, our chests are so close that I can practically feel his erratic heartbeat, and his hand runs the rest of the way up my back and to my neck.

His hand is large and strong, this I know, but on my skin it feels so gentle.

The way he slowly pushes me forward until he can look directly down at me and make his decision. Coming to a conclusion and leaving me panting, he presses his lips down onto mine in the softest, most gentle and passionate kiss I think I've ever felt in my life.

And it came from him. A vampire. A monster.

A monster who I think I had fallen for.

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