{Reader's Feedback}

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Hey guys! Yeah, it's another little thing for you guys to comment on and (sadly) not a new chapter.

So I know these past two chapters have had some drama and now some major changes going on throughout the story. Do you all think it was right for Ashley to leave Snow behind in the arms of Lucile and Billie?

Do you like the idea of her leaving for the "war" or "battle" instead? Do you think the "battle" is necessary? Basically, do you like the idea of the whole battle thing?

In my mind I have some things planned out (No spoilers).

I was thinking about in upcoming chapters for those who are still concerned about Billie and Snow (I know you guys want more Billie, and I'm working on that). So would you guys like to see some of his POV in the upcoming chapters.

Sorry, No Tre POV just quite yet, maybe later when I reveal him again. BTW this is SOON!

But no Tre POV until he is revealed again (which is planned out).

Want more Mike POV at all? (this would be used mainly to show his emotions on leaving Ashley and Snow behind and dealing with Billie)

Billie POV? (With Snow and home life)

And this is really important to me. DO you guys think I do too much POV for Ashley? Cause sometimes I feel like I do and that you guys want to read something different.

Okay. I think that's it. Anyways, leave some comments people and let me know about the whole POV thing. It would really help, and it would help you guys for making the story more appealing to read.

Every comment will be viewed and replied to, and the next chapter (already in draft) will not be published until I can view the feedback to give the chapter some more appeal to the readers. Thanks!-


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