{Chapter Fifty Eight}

96 13 18


March 17th, 2018


I feel numb as I listen to the shackles binding my wrists clink together, echoing off the empty hallway in the bottom of the boat.

The clinking of the shackles, footsteps, and the rain outside is the only sound down here. With of course the occasional creak of boards above our heads.

Although the man leading us down here was on my left, and my wife on the other side of him, I felt completely alone.

I felt as if there wasn't another soul in the world to help me, or get me out of here. I now felt completely useless...ready to give up.

"Welcome to your new home! Better make yourselves comfortable, and don't plan on going anywhere. I'll be down later to check"

The man pushes us into a small cell, the only one down here that wasn't crowded with goods, and slams the door, locking it before trotting away.

I lean against the far wall of the cell and slowly slump down to a sitting position, sitting rather uncomfortably in my sopping wet bottoms.

My wife however, chose to stand.

She had made no remarks to me, not a hello, not an apology, barely even a look of pity which is what she should have had.

She disguised herself as a man and risked her life to come out here. Maybe I should've been grateful, courteous. But all I could think about was how she up and left our daughter back home in the hands of my brother.

"I never meant for any of this to happen" I look at her when she speaks, but offer no reply.

I wondered how many more times she would disobey me in the future, lie to me and deceive me. I wondered how much longer my heart could take it, for I loved her so deeply it hurt twice as bad each time.

"I'm sorry I got us in here..." I ignored her apology also, just started down at the floor and wondered when a rat would come to start nibbling on my boots.

"Please say something" Her stride moves and walks towards me.

I had no energy, nor desire to move. So I stayed put and let her bend down to me.

"And what shall I say? That I forgive you when you've gone against my wishes? Not only did you put your own life in danger, but you left our daughter at home. And then you almost got yourself killed...now we're stuck in here, cold, wet, and hungry" Anger darkens her eyes and she takes a step back.

"You're right...I did do all that. But I didn't get us down here. You offered yourself up to take when they tore off my hat. And why, I don't know. Maybe it was just because half of your crew was watching..." A saddened look comes over her face when I don't deny the accusation.

She blinks away and turns, lowering herself into a corner and ignoring my gaze.

I wanted to tell her that I gave myself up for her, for her safety, and I knew that I did. But I also knew there was truth in her statement. What would my crew have thought of me if I let them take my wife hostage and I didn't step up to take it for her?

I sighed in frustration and turned towards the bars, looking out of them as I let my head lean back against the moist, cool wall.

I only realized that I had fallen asleep when a loud voice and banging against the bars wakes me.

"Hungry, anyone?" The man before me stood tall and erect, his clothes dirty and his beard crusted with salt from the spray of the ocean.

I looked away in disgust and the grey goop that was piled in a semi circle onto a piece of styrofoam.

He pushed the key into the lock and throws open the door, walking in with a heavy, determined and almost proud stride.

His hands were on his belt, thumbs hitched inside, and boots squeaking with each wet step.

"You. On your feet, a special dinner has been prepared and you've been invited to the captain's quarters" I raise my head a bit in inquiry and watch as Ashley barely does the same to look over her shoulder.

"Eat with the captain?" Her voice sounded so small, and although she was trying to disguise it, fear and anguished coated her words.

"Upon request. And some finer...more suitable clothes. Unless of course you would like to stay down here and have a lovely meal to share with your husband" On cue, Ashley's eyes go over to me and then to the "food" at my feet.

As if making her decision with only me in mind, she turned her head to the man and spoke with her chin up.

"No. With the captain, then" The man smiles and appraised her shopping clothes with a look that had made my blood go up a degree or two hotter.

"I had a feeling you'd say that, love" I could see the disgust written all over her face as the man came to her side and pulled her to her feet.

He pushed her out of the cell and gave a wicked smile to me.

"Eat up, chap. It's getting cold. And don't worry about the Mrs. I'll return her back to you unscathed" I looked away from him and down at the grey goop.

I pushed it away with my boot, already refusing.

I wondered how much trust I could find in the man's words, and then wondered how much fight Ashley had left in her. Or would she give up?

Their footsteps together echo down the halls and with the noise growing softer and more distant, the more fear that edged my soul. I sat wondering if I had any options left, and if I did, I sure as hell couldn't find them in plain sight.

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