{Chapter Forty Nine}

121 14 14

Oh, Little Seed

August 23rd, 2017


Happily, I wake to find Mike's arms still wrapped tightly around me. I open my eyes and yawn, rubbing them. When the open once more and everything comes into focus, I find myself being watched by the eyes of the man who held me.

"I'm hungry for breakfast" I state, my stomach growling as I poked at the cold food on the table next to us.

As I start to climb away, the arms around me tighten with a reply of:

"Me too" I shiver but smile as the arms fall away and begin lifting the skirt of my dress.

His face looked relaxed and his eyes never left mine as he continued the movements of undressing me, a smug smile plastering his lips.

"Was only sleep last night not good enough?" I ask as he began to unite the laces across my chest.

I run my hands down his, watching his skin trickle with goosebumps and a blush following almost as quickly as my fingertips.

I grab the loose tie of the robe and pull the fabric apart, letting it fall of his shoulders and away from his waist.

I lift myself to pull the fabric of his robe out from under me, and when descending back down, I guide him to the slippery tenderness between my legs.

His hands fall limp to his side's, away from the laces and slowly clench into fists as I lower myself down to fit against him.

"Holy mother of God..." I laugh, lay a hand on his shoulder and keep myself still.

"I haven't even begun yet" Sensing my delay, his hands ran the length of my thighs under my skirt again and large hands grasped my hips.

"I knew it the first time I laid with you. That you had good wide hips, and would be a good breeder. And I was not wrong" Exasperated already it seemed, he let his head fall back against the headboard.

After another minute of me not moving he lifted his head and I laughed once more.

"You're not going to just sit there, are you?"

"I didn't realize you were ready for me to begin" The grip on my waist tightens and even my own patience with myself was wearing thin.

"You'll move your hips, or I shall move them for you. And if you refuse to do the work, then I shall pin you to the bed and and not be gentle about it" A faint burning was already beginning to creep it's way up my neck when I smiled shyly.

He had never been rough with me before, and almost it sounded intriguing and so...intimate. So unforgettable.

So there I sat, heavy and unwilling to comply until he would do as he said.

At last when I though he would move my hips for me, the speed and strength he possessed pinned me to the mattress in a mess of blankets, gasps, and surprise.

And as promised, my arms were above my head, wrists together and pinned down with one large hand so hard that it hurt a little. I slightly winced and concern came upon his face.

"Am I hurting you?" I shift a little and smile up at him.

"Yes. But don't stop" A silent objection fell on him.

"So. Are you going to just sit there, or are you going to not be gentle ab-" I was interrupted by my own loud cry as he thrust into me with force I never knew he had, when it came to love making of course.

My wrists protest against his holdings, wanting to hold something, wanting to wrap around him as he penetrated me with such a force.

It hurt, the thrusts that nearly reached my womb, but I found my hips rising to welcome the force of the pound that would come down on me.

This was also quickly put to a stop as the free hand came down on my hip and kept it pinned to the mattress.

My body felt bound by chains, accepting the torture that reigned down on me with thrusts that to my surprise, could still be growing stronger, faster, and harder.

In a mass of sweat, orgasm and tiredness, the hand binding my wrist loosens it's grip and my arms instinctively wrap around his neck.

He released a warm and heavy orgasm into me, making me squirm with the unusual, but not foreign feeling.

His hips slowed to lighter thrusts afterwards, his chest heaving and lips caressing my neck in small, hot breathed, whispers.

"No, Mike...." I plead, holding him tighter as his hand on my hip began resting firefly against my skin.

"Please don't stop. Not now" He gasped, pulled out of me and rolled into his back, a hand clutching his chest as if he were to catch his heart.

"Oh, God did give me a powerful woman. I'll continue when I've the strength, my love..." He turned his head and smiled at me lazily, drowsiness glazing his eyes.

"Next week, sometime" He finished, eyes closing, but chest still heaving with the after effects of his orgasm.

Disappointment fading, I curled my back against him and waited for him to spoon with me.

Sometime through the rest of the day, mid afternoon, I had awoken to the hushed voice of him next to me, fingers playing across my stomach that housed his child.

"Oh, Little Seed....how I can not wait to meet you...to play with you in the grass and watch you sneeze your first sneeze. I wonder how you will look...if you will have the soft doe eyes of your mother, or the human like ones of mine. Will your hair be light and soft as hers, or thick and textured as mine? Black or blonde? Girl....or boy? And will you be as kind hearted as her?" I smile into the blanket by my side and wish for him to continue.

"I hope now that you are as strong as me...that you will hold on to the life we have given you and sometime soon gasp your first breaths of air. I want to hear you cry in the middle of every night, wake me from slumber and have me come to comfort you. I want to watch you nurse at her breast...like I have done before, only not from an empty stomach" A small laugh fills the quiet room and I have the urge to reach back and playfully smack him.

But as far as he knew I was still asleep, I wouldn't ruin his late night talks out of a bit of chaff.

Sadly though, the other thoughts, if any, were kept to himself and we fell asleep once more.

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