{Chapter Forty Six}

115 13 8

Do Fairytales Exist?

August 21st, 2017


"Hmm...a little higher" Ashley stands back watching, observing and ordering me where to hang the new mobile in a different room than all the others.

She said it was beautiful, and therefore deserved it's own special room where it could bask in it's beauty. She's called me a poet once before, but when I hear her talk so passionately it makes me wonder what else she doesn't know about herself.

It makes me wonder if she knows how excited and curious she sounds about new found motherhood, especially when her face is written in pure annoyance.

Now, over the window seat of our bedroom, the moon shines high through the trees of the garden and shimmers through the thin glass strings and charms connected to the mobile.

She smiles and nods her head once.

"Perfect. Right there" I hang the small mobile on the nail I had previously drove into the wall before moving back to where she stood to admire the work.

"Good work" She holds out her fist to me and I stare at it, confused on what she was going to do. Was she going to punch me? Hit me? What?

She laughs, grabs my hand and balls it into a fist before pushing our fists together. She makes a small sound and then laughs.

"It's a fist pump, dude. It's from the twenty first century" She laughs at me and I smile.

Seeing her with joy on her face and in her eyes made me feel like I did things right. That I could please her and see it so evidently.

"Are you happy?" She raised an eyebrow and her brown eyes turned to slits towards mine.

"Happy?" I nod.

"About the child. About being a mother, I mean. Even though you get...confused" She sighs, frowns a little and takes a seat on the floor.

I join her and she grabs my hand, seeming to massage it as she held it in hers and brushed her thumb over my knuckles.

"Everything just happened so fast, you know? I mean literally. And in my...old life, I guess, you didn't get married at eighteen to a complete stranger and then get pregnant by them some months later. But..." She looks up at me a smiles softly. "I don't regret any of it. I'm just having a hard time figuring things out. It's kinda confusing when nobody can offer you answers about your new lifestyle, and kinda scary when you don't know what your body will look like the next morning. And at the beginning I didn't really know. I wasn't sure, but..." She grasps my hand tighter and places a kiss on it. "But now I am. It's exciting, you know? Kinda thrilling"

We stare at each other for a minute and then share a laugh.

"What about you, Mr. Vampire? Are you excited? You know, to be a father and all?" I smile at her, feeling the humor bubbling inside of me.

"Mr. Vampire am I, now? A new name?"

"Oh, I assure you that I have a whole list of names I could call you" She replies quickly, a smug look on her face as well as one that sought a challenge. Almost as if she dared for me to ask her to list the names she had made for me.

But I don't, I leave the mystery there for a moment and decide to read her mind later.

"I've never been a father before, so I guess you could say I'm pretty excited" Ashley snorts a laugh, and it sounds so unlady like that I admire her bravery.

Many girls I know would cringe at themselves if they ever made that sound.

I roll towards her on the floor, wrap my arms around her and bury my face into her pillow of breasts.

Ashley giggles and her breasts, already full of milk begin vibrating and bouncing under me.

"Get in me, Mike" She sighs, sounding calm and pleased with me as she began tugging on my hair playfully.

I lift my head curiously.

"Get....in you?" She nods at me smiles and laughs again.

"Come here, I'll show you" I take her outstretched hand and she kept her word.

She showed me, taught me, pleased me and nearly made me faint. My head felt heavy, my hips tired and my hands stiff from holding my fists so tight for so long.

She rolls over on the floor, places her hand on my chest and moves her fingers in what seem like designs. They tickle, but calm me somehow.

Her hair falls over her shoulders, down her back, onto her breasts and all the area in between. I lean forward and kiss the faint swollen blush at the dip of her neck.

The candle that was lit on the far corner of the room was nearly burned down to a nub, as it had been burning for quite a while. It created a glow over her skin, a reflection of the flame in her eyes.

And when I had thought her asleep, she sighed moved her hand down to my hip and cradled it there, tracing the outline of the sharp bone.

"We have sex too much" She says, her voice drowsy and relaxed.

I pull a blanket from the bed and drape it over our spot on the floor where we had been since we first sat down.

I pull it up to her shoulder and lean my head on my hand.

"It was your idea"

She closes her eyes.

"Maybe we should have a fight or something. Everything's acting like too much of a fairytale and I don't believe in those" I brush the hair from her cheek and she kisses my hand quickly, but her face still shows indifference.

"Well....you didn't use to believe in vampires or witches either, did you?" Her eyes open and finally, I deserve a grin from her.

"Shut up and go to sleep, Mike" She stands from the blanket and for a minute walks naked in the candlelight.

Quickly though, she finds her robe, ties it around her and starts for the door.

"Where are you going?"

She turns, looks at me and points a finger.

No later than a second I feel a tiny shock in the bottom of my foot that has me grasping for the tickling feeling.

She laughs and sighs, waving a hand for me to follow.

"I'm hungry, come on. Be a good boy and maybe you'll not get another one of those tonight" I playfully scowl at her, grasp for my pants on the floor and follow her out and down the steps.

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