{Chapter Sixty Eight}

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(Okay peeps, I've decided that this is the last chapter. *heart breaks*)

Possibility In The Air

April 27th, 2018


"Don't you want to look your best when we greet our daughter?" I gave a laugh as Mike pulled the silk over my shoulder.

"Sure, but what's the point if she won't remember it? Besides, we have to track all the way back down once we reach the land again" The ship rocked a bit and my heart went up a few places when I could see the tall trees of the colony.

"Never underestimate a vampire, my love. They're capable of many things. Especially memory" I wanted to believe his words and be serious about them, but the husky tone of his voice only made me pull away instead.

I looked over my shoulder at him, my hair whipping around my face from the breeze.

"I think I'll just put my shirt and shorts back on" I replied, moving quickly towards the cabin door.

With each step I could feel my mind swimming, soaring, my brain moving around in my head. After being on land and off the ship for a while, it seemed that boarding it again and coming back onto unstable ground wasn't working out too well.

I could sense Mike following and with one look at him, my heart seemed to leap. Lately just looking at him, just knowing he was near made me sigh happily.

I watched him over my shoulder as his eyebrows raised.

"And do you need help? Those bloody ribbons can get into knots, you know, and very hard to get out"

I smiled at him over my shoulder and went into the small cabin door.

"I think I'll manage"

Silently, he followed me in anyways and closed the door with his foot.

I let him gather me into his arms and take my mind off of the unsteady feeling soaring throughout me.

"I can't wait to get home" I sighed, in a state of bliss as Mike's teeth nipped their way down my neck.

"I know exactly what you mean" I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his back.

"Do you?" No reply came, only his lips over mine to silence me.

I sighed in the back of my throat as he pushed me towards the bed. I could hear him fumbling with his belt.

"Mike, wait-"

"Shh, I promise I won't take long" The smile on his face was confident, cunning and sweet.

I swallowed.

"But there's still things I need to tell you, things we have to talk about..."

He sighed, sat up and put his hand to the side of my face.

"I know about Tré. I knew he was the captain of the enemy ship when they took you. That's why the truce was called once he learned you were on board. I've known this whole time" Surprise hit me like a rock to the stomach and suddenly I felt sick.

I swallowed again.

"No, that's not-" I was silenced again by another kiss.

My insides were already jelly, already moving around freely with no boundaries. His tongue roamed my mouth, his hands did the same to my dress. I could feel the silk rising up my thighs, his hands hot as they followed.

"Can't it wait till we reach home?" He asked softly, finally allowing me a gasp for air.

My lips were tingling and my mind; hazy. I rolled my head to the side and closed my eyes.

"I suppose so" He saw the frown on my face and tipped my chin back towards him. He began to move away.

"Fine, if it's that important-" I grabbed him and pulled him back down to me with a convincing smile.

"No. It can wait. I promise" My kiss in return was all he needed not to look back.

I had barely buckled my shorts afterwards when one of the young men came in and threw me a canteen.

"You're going to need it. It's a long walk back to the village" Just hearing the words made my heart leap.


I became oblivious to everything around me on the walk home. The only thing I could see was the trees in front of me, the only thing I could feel was Mike's hand in mine. I had one thing on my mind.


It seemed like it took us hours to finally get into the village, and really it must've. All our water was gone and the men were all grumbling about their sore legs. I for one felt numb to the pain.

"Maybe a small break would be good for us" Mike spoke up, losing my hand as he trailed a bit behind me.

I looked at him over my shoulder.

"Now? Mike we're so close..." There was desperation in my voice, and as the other men stopped to rest against trees, Mike could only blow out a breath and keep walking.

We kept trekking on until we were outside of the house and I could smell Lucile's cooking. My heart leapt into my throat and I wrapped my arms around Mike as he jumped us up to the balcony.

"Lucile!" I ran forward and engulfed her in a hug, her bosom shaking against me with laughter.

"Oh, it's so good to see that ye've made it home safely. And you, too, Captain" She dipped an imaginary hat at Mike and he smiled at her.

His gaze was fixed intently on the kitchen and I followed it to see Billie holding Snow in his lap, across from him a petite woman with long wavy golden locks.

Lucile laid a hand on my arm.

"A friend of Billie's has been coming to visit recently" The glint in her eyes made me smile suspiciously, but I could barely think anymore about it before I rushed into the kitchen and took Snow gently out of Billie's arms.

I hugged her against my chest, heard her squeak happily and kissed her head.

Mike came up behind me, placing a kiss on her head as well.

"It's good to be home" We both said in unison, the room erupting in laughter.

Mike pulled me to him as if we were the only ones in the room.

He took Snow from my arms and held her, staring down at her face. Their eyes locked.

"Now...what did you want to tell me?" He looked up at me and had a mischievous look in his eye.

"Something tells me you already know" I tapped my foot on the floor and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

He bent to kiss me.

"Aye, that I do" I raised an eyebrow.

"More pirate talk?"

Mike smiled at me then broke away to greet our guests.

He bent to whisper in my ear just before letting Snow to the floor to crawl around.

"Arrgh. Let's hope he turns out to be like me"

I kissed his cheek.


~The End~

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