{Chapter Three}

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The Chosen One

June 4th, 2017


I've done this before, so it should be easy right? To choose my mistress? The answer was yes, or it was supposed to be.

The beautiful girls all dressed up in front of me didn't appeal to me sexually at the moment. I could practically taste the sweet blood that was dry on the girl's lips. It was beckoning me, pulling me in.

"Your majesty will have time to make his decision-" Liz begins speaking, but my feet move at the speed of light as I crush the girl with the black hair up against the marble pillar.

She gasps and trembled against me. She's frightened and it's empowering at first.

I can hear everyone else gasping, too. I haven't had a taste of blood in two hundred years and the hunger was overpowering me. I push her black hair to the side quickly and open my mouth. My fangs protrude and I press them to her neck like daggers.

The beautiful gasps at the contact and as I'm ready to puncture and taste her sweet blood, her hushed voice trembles to me.

"Please...don't do this...please don't. You can contain it, you can fight this. You don't have to bite me, you're strong. You can overcome the hunger..." She's whispering in my ear. Nobody else can hear her.

She still trembled against me, and her breathing is rapid, but I can hear the brainless in her voice. The way this girl was determined and not going down without a fight. Her bluntness and bravery drew me in even more, but not for a taste of her blood.

I pull away from her neck and the beautiful girl who trembled in my arms has now stopped. The fear in her eyes was still there, but it had subsided a great deal.

I released her from my hold and her feet hit the ground again. She let out a shaky breath and stood up tall, proudly.

I look back at Liz and back at the beautiful girl.

"What's your name?" She glances at Liz out of the corner of her eyes before back at me.

I wait for her answer.


He let me live. He wasn't going to bite me. Thank god. I will live to see another day, hopefully. And with another day, with more time, I have plenty of time to make an escape.

Now he asks for my name.

I must be the one he's going to choose and I find myself thankful. If he chooses me then I won't be locked back in that cell or worse. I can make my escape if he chooses me.

"Ashley" I say my name proudly, trying to appear unafraid and unaffected.

Though when he moved at lightning speed and crushed me against the marble pillar I had feared for my life. I was sure I was going to die, have the life sucked out of me as I felt his fangs on my neck, ready to puncture my skin.

Yet now he looks at me and turns to Liz behind him.

"She will be mine" Is all he says before storming away through the door he came out of.

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