{Chapter Thirty Seven}

143 14 18

Off The Grid

July 11th, 2017


"You mean...you're with child?" I shrug, feeling shy as my hands shook a little and my stomach began cramping with the suspicion that he wasn't happy. That he didn't want this and somehow he would make sure it didn't happen.

I don't know why I was thinking like this, I guess it just scared me and at this moment I could believe anything.

"I'm pretty sure..." And I was pretty sure.

Why else would I be getting morning sickness? Why else would I feel that my period should've come already?

And why couldn't it be true? Without protection, anything was possible. And since the colony lives off the grid with no beliefs in birth control, television, or anything modern, then I considered myself royally fucked.

"I wouldn't suppose you can find a pregnancy test anywhere around here?" The mention of the test and his face goes blank, his head tilting and a curious look in his eye.

"Never mind" I sigh, picking a piece of fuzz off of my robe and watching it float down to the ground, landing on a piece of grass.

I shift my eyes back up to his and he smiles at me. It looks full, genuine. Warm and welcoming.

"So...are you happy?" I'm embraced again, and I can feel his smile through the fabric of my robe.

"Yes. My wife is carrying our child-"

I pet his hair, correcting him.

"No. You're wife may be carrying your child. Nothing's official yet, I guess we'll just have to wait" He holds me tighter, rubs a hand up and down my back and pulls his face back until his nose is barely touching my chin.

He had bags under his eyes, making a slight purple tint to his usual pale and perfect skin. It makes me wonder how much sleep he got last night.

"Can I come back to our bedroom tonight, mo ghaol?" All was forgiven, the anger had vanished and I was glad for it.

Sure my ass still hurt and I was uncomfortable with the thoughts of possibly being pregnant, but just like everything else I would learn to deal with it and maybe find joy along the way.

"Yes" I breathe, feeling in need of food on my empty stomach. And preferably a toothbrush as well.

He grabs my hand and I'm the first to stand, letting him know that I was ready to go back inside.


What was it like to be a father? It was hard to tell, really. Not many children were born in the colony unless it was someone of social status or unless two vampires were married and produced a full breed of their own. But what would the colony think if they found out it came to be true that Ashley was with child? Surely they would accept it, I know they would after Lucile had filled me in on the history I missed for the past two hundred years. But what would it really be like?

When she had told me my heart jumped a little in excitement and I don't know why I was shocked. She would have become with child soon enough anyways, since we made love nearly every night.

She had been the one to ask me if I was happy, but what if her question was only reflecting thoughts about herself? What if she  wasn't happy? Could I ask her such a thing?

Maybe I could. Maybe tonight.

She made no mention of it to Lucile, never acted any different than she usually did and I wondered if it was only because she was waiting longer until it was official. Therefore I kept my mouth shut and kept the sudden news to myself, no matter how challenging it had become.

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