{Chapter Fifty Three}

92 13 11

Kidnapping Wasn't On The List

January 2nd, 2018


As my brother steps into the moonlight I grab the lantern by the desk and turn up the flame. Hugging himself tightly in a large, feather stuffed coat, he shivers in the cold room and takes another step forward.

"I don't want to steal your child...I came..." Billie pushes his head towards the floor and I instinctively take a step towards him, violence on my mind and tightening my muscles.

"I don't care what you came for!" My tell wakes the child, causes a loud cry to erupt from the bed and the walls to nearly shake.

A second of regret is all I feel, a small look of consideration over towards the child who lay in my wife's arms, but no more than that. I couldn't-wouldn't- take my eyes off of the most evil thing that lurked about.

There was too much to risk, a new life on the line that I would die protecting, must I.

Slow, shaky bushes come from Ashley's lips, quietly trying to silence the cries that my voice had caused.

"You'd be smart to leave, brother. Before I consider taking up old vows" Billie doesn't seem scared, or effected.

Only a calm, determined look plays about on his face as he glances towards the bed.

I hear his intake of breath and suddenly notice the changes from such a close range.

His skin, once pale and lifeless looking like mine had now seemed to be glowing like a peach. Like...life itself. Warm, blue veins ran under the skin of his neck and when he spoke, fangs no longer protruded. Red eyes glowed no more, but seemed vibrant and green.

"I came to...to beg forgiveness. I've changed-"

"People don't change! Billie, people do not change! This is all a disguise, a disgusting act you're putting on to take advantage of me again!" Billie seems to ignore my words, looking towards the bed with determination still in his eyes.

"I want to beg forgiveness from the Queen. I may be an outcast when I change from Vampire back to human, but nobody wants to feel alone. Not even in this world. Nobody ever wants to feel like they don't belong"

I reach out to stop him as he walks towards the bed, sensing the small tinge of discomfort in the air. But echoing words in my head stop me.

She'll feel normal, like she belongs.

Billie is already standing by the bed when I blink again and for a minute I allow him to stand there.

After all, he couldn't do much to hurt them, could he? Not with the speed and agility gone like the snap of fingers. He was useless, a human with no strength.

But I follow him over to the bed uneasy and stand by Ashley's shoulder. I thought I felt defensive and protective when it was just the two of us, when it was just her I had to protect. But now it was my duty to protect the squealing child pressed against her chest.

Billie clears his throat and I stand wondering why Ashley hasn't shocked him yet, sent him away. Her eyes were showing fear and uneasiness, but something else.

"I can to beg for your forgiveness, Queen Ashley..." I watch her shift a little on the bed as Billie kneels.

I want to roll my eyes, but instead I focus them and try to enter her mind, trying to come up with her answers to why she hasn't made him leave.

Could he really still be a threat? Everyone deserves to be forgiven, don't they? It was my fault in the first place that Mike and Billie no longer have a relationship. With me coming to the colony, it was ruined. Because of me. I should fix it, forgive him and be done with it. He can't hurt me, or anyone else anymore. It's the least I could do, isn't it?

I take a step backwards, shocked at the thoughts going through her mind. She was so easily willing to forgive him! And because she saw him no longer as a threat and because she had a guilty conscious! Just because she would forgive him doesn't mean that I would, and how did she know that, either?

Ashley doesn't say anything, but keeps her mouth tightly shut.

Billie takes this as an invitation to keep speaking.

"I'm sorry...for everything. I'm sorry for the hurt I made you feel...for the fright and anger. I'm sorry that I let jealousy control me. But being alone..." He stands, turning towards the door, but only taking a few steps in the direction.

"Do you know what it's like to be alone? After having so much power running through you for such a long time, and then to just suddenly change...losing that power and authority? My whole life almost was spent having that power, and now that I'm without it I feel so...invisible. So alone and cold and scared. Surely you do know what it's like?" Billie turns a curious head towards her.

Ashley swallow, slowly nods.

"I know what it's like...But do you really think...that you could be forgiven, Billie?" Billie's reply is slow as he begins removing his coat.

Only his bare chest lies underneath, the skin raising with goosebumps from the cold.

He turns his back towards the fire light and both of us nearly gasp at the sight.

"I threw myself under the whip, to prove to you someday that I was sorry and that I meant it" I see so many looks flash across my wife's face and I entered her mind once again.

I threw myself under the whip. For you. And I would do it a million times to ensure your safety. It's a vow, one just like Mike made me so early on in our relationship. Before love, before...anything really. Did this mean I could trust Billie with the same vow? And the lashings from my dreams...had those really not be dreams at all, but the punishment that was thrown across Billie's back early that morning?

I watch her shiver and a high look of concern comes across her face.

She leaves the bed and stands, resting the child on one arm as she hesitantly touched a mark on Billie's back.

He winced and she covered her hand with her mouth.

With eyes glossy, she looked over at me and I could read the question plain on her face without having to enter her mind.

I don't know if it's the sorrow I felt for my wife, or the experience I had under the whip myself...or maybe because I did still feel a deep longing for my brother. But with a slow nod towards her, she wipes her eyes.

"I'll forgive you, Billie...But you have to promise me that you'll never hurt anyone again. Ever, not me...not Mike, or Snow...or anybody. Do you hear me?" Billie turned with sympathy and nodded, ashamed.

I grabbed a blanket from the end of the bed and tossed it around his shoulders lightly, so as not to hurt him.

If my wife would forgive him, then I would forgive him too.

"Stay here for the night, brother. I'll take you to the spare room"

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