{Chapter Twenty Five}

161 13 9

FYI, The Treehouse Is Haunted

June 26th, 2017


The lights go out and leaves everything black. It leaves everything mysterious and almost fun, but I realize it doesn't seem that way to Ashley as gasps and presses her body closer to mine.

"Would now be a good time to mention that the treehouse is haunted, my Queen?" I can't see her, but I can almost imagine the look on her face before I feel her slap my chest.

"Stop it! This isn't funny. I can't see a thing" The room becomes hard of breathing as the steam from the hot bath water fills the air.

"If you would find your robe, then we can venture into the hallway and find some candles" I hear her sigh at me. It sounds strained and uncomfortable before she slowly lets me go and her footsteps across the room echo off the walls.

Everything is so black that I can't even make out her figure. All I can do is listen to the sound of her searching the floor for her clothes.

The memory I have of her on our wedding night is so vivid that I can still remember the way her bare skin looked glowing under the lights. Her face was red that night and her eyes were teary. Goosebumps lined her skin and made her nipples like hard little pebbles. Her breasts were soft looking and pink, perky and tight like her bottom.

I feared that if my wife did not find something to cover her body soon, then I would have trouble not seeking her out to feel her bare body with my hands.

I blink a few times and am thankful that the lights are off, for thoughts about my wife were making my body behave inappropriately.

I hear a rustling sound and footsteps out in the hallway.

They're sturdy and heavy, the glow of a candle illuminates under the door before it opens and lights up the room dimly.

I swallow as the glow from the candle creates enough light to shine on my wife who hurriedly pulls the rest of her camisole down over her bottom. The smile welcomes itself to my face as Lucile clears her throat, sets a candle inside the door, and leaves with a giggle. Surely, by the looks of things, she had assumed me and my wife were up to no good, or doing things that were meant to be private.

Even in the dim glow of the candlelight I can see the blush covering my wife's face and making her neck red. I can almost feel the heat of embarrassment radiating off of her, either that or I really needed a cold shower to get my mind back in the right place.

"That was nice of her. At least we can actually see two feet in front of us now" Ashley walks over and bends down to grab the candle by my feet. As she stands to her full height and reaches around me for the door handle, I catch her arm and feel her freeze.

Her eyes snap up to mine and I like that the fear in them is gone. The scent of the lilac soap that covered her earlier makes my own body feel weak. My urges and desires were growing stronger, I needed to taste her. I needed to feel her skin under mine. I needed to see her bare.

I needed her to love me.


He surprised me when he caught my arm, but part of me almost expected it by the way he had been acting. He seemed so strained and on edge, and when Lucile brought in the light and I was able to see him clear enough, the expression he wore on his face and in his eyes was enough to tell me that he was experiencing lust badly.

What was I supposed to do? What could I do to get him to lose the look in his eyes and go back to being casual?

"Please kiss me, my queen. I'm begging you for just a kiss. It's torturous to just stand here and look at what I can't have" His words strike me and I'll admit I feel a little bad for him.

So I smile a little and begin to stand on my toes so I can reach him. But my husband is so eager that he looks down at me and smashes his mouth so hard against mine that I can feel the outline of his fangs through his lips. I'm not surprised at how he can be so rough, but it still catches me off guard.

He wraps his arms around me and crushes me against him, so much that the muscles under his shirt stand hard against my chest and the body below his pants does the same.

He kisses me harder, deeper, before thrusting his tongue into my mouth and making me gasp. He tastes me, like drinking in my mouth and savoring it. I tell myself that I want to stop it, but all I find myself doing is kissing back harder and grasping his shirt in my hands.

He moves so quickly that all I feel is a light breeze before my back is against the door and he has lifted me up around his waist. My heart beats so hard that I can feel it in my ears, and I can feel my camisole slowly starting to inch up my thighs with each move he makes.

His hands were on my sides at first, but as he puts them on my legs and his fingertips touch the end of my camisole, I shriek and finally find my voice and wake up.

His hands inch farther up my legs until he has met my hips and bottom. He grunts, squeezes my butt tightly in his hands and presses his mouth to my neck. Harshly, he sucks without his fangs and I cringe as my head falls back against the door, creating a "thump".

"Wha-Stop! Mike, let go of me!" Almost as harshly as he picked me up, I push at his chest and feel myself fall down onto the floor on my butt.

I breathe heavily and want to tell myself that I feel scared as he approaches me with sorry eyes, but I realize that after the shock had subsided and my heart beat ceased to slow, all I could feel was the excitement reigning through my veins. 

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