{An Idea}

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Hey guys! Yay, it's another little authors note thingy. So I have seen news.

Last night I was just laying in bed, staring at the ceiling and wondering "Oh my god, how am I ever gonna end off A Shade Darker?"

A lot of you by now have probably heard through a weird grapevine somewhere that I'm pretty positive I'm making a second book, and whilst laying in my bed unable to sleep, I thought "Everyone always likes reading about Billie".

If you guys have been keeping up with the story then you see that I've introduced a new character called Lenore. She's helping Billie out with the baby right now, and until Mike and Ashley return home.

I've been thinking about the ending for a while now, and I have something planned, though it's not quite done.

I figured maybe in the second book the POV may be a lot more of Billie and this new girl Lenore and about Billie's past and blah blah blah, with also Ashley and Mike and maybe even some Tré drama. Still figuring that one out.

So yeah, I thought I'd enlighten all of you, even though I know it should be a surprise.

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