{Chapter Sixty Six}

105 13 23

"Arrrgh" Means "I Love You" in Pirate Tongue

April 5th, 2018


I felt goosebumps rise on my arms and the hair stand on the back of my neck. I laugh a bit, petting his hair.

"And just what does 'Arrgh' mean?" 

He kissed my forehead and I enjoyed the scratch of his stubble on my face. I wondered how it would feel in other places. On my neck, lips, breasts, legs. I shuddered a bit and suddenly the room was stifling.

"Arrgh, means "I love you" in pirate. I studied it in a book" He waved a dismissive hand for his joke, but I could only feel the happiness swell inside of me. 

I told myself that I needed him to tell me again.

"Tell me again" He lifted an eyebrow and laughed, his hand stroking the silk of the gown along the outline of my leg.

"Arrgh" I shake my head, leaning into his shoulder.

"No. Tell me you love me" 

"I just did" I lift my head, my eyes serious as I lost my smile and held onto him. 

Something flashed in his eyes when he lost his smile, too. 

He ran his hand along my hair, smoothing it away from my face.

"I do love you. You know it as well" I smiled again and leaned my head back on his shoulder.

"I know. I just want you to say it more often...I like hearing you tell me" 

"I like saying it...do you know what else I like saying? I like telling you how beautiful you look in a dress, I like telling you how good you smell after a bath" He nuzzled his nose against my ear and kissed my earlobe.

His stubble scratched my cheek and again I felt that little peek into a world of pleasure. How could I tell him that I wanted to feel it? 

"Let this grow out a little while" I run my fingers along his face but he seemed too involved with feeling my dress to hear the question. 

"I do hope you remembered to buy a nightgown" I roll my eyes, feeling his hot tongue envelop my earlobe.

"As if you'd be so disappointed if I didn't. I could always sleep naked" He bit down softly and made me bite my lip to surpass a faint hiss.

"Seeing you naked is all fine and dandy, but wearing a nightgown to bed is pleasing when I get to undress you from it. Sleeping naked doesn't allow me the pleasure of undressing you. Besides, why not leave a little to the imagination? Unlike you, I don't always jump right into love making" With my mouth agape I pushed him away and saw the satisfied grin on his face.

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I do not jump right into things. I'm patient. You're the one who's always jumping my bones"

"Oh, yes? Then what do you call last night?" I wanted to slap the grin off his lips, or rather kiss it off, but it wouldn't do my point any justice.

"That was punishment for your behavior" A low growl formed deep in his chest as he brought his mouth closer to mine. 

"Mm, yes. And I deserved every bit of it" He lowered his mouth over mine, open and hot, inviting me to come inside so our tongues can dance. 

For a while he kisses me, leaves every inch of my mouth explored and still cradles me in his arms. When he pulls away to press his swollen lips to my neck, I bury my face in his.

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