{Chapter Nine}

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The Village

June 7th, 2017


My stomach growls as Mike leads me back to the direction of the treehouse. It occurs to me now that I haven't eaten since before my abduction to this god forsaken place. I suspect that even though I haven't seen the sun shine once here, that it must be morning. Another day has gone by that I've survived...barely. As vampires begin to jump down from their treehouses and  human women like me begin walking through the trees in one direction with baskets on their hips, I begin wondering where they're all going. Just walking around like this was normal life, and I suppose that many of them have been here long enough that it is normal to them by now? Would it ever be normal to me?

Mike's footsteps get closer as he comes to walk up beside me. I avoid his gaze but look at everyone walking around us.

"Where is everybody going?" I ask, consciously tugging at the big turtleneck to cover more of my knees.

His voice is close, right next to me and it makes me conscious of my surroundings. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye and watch him seem unbothered by the way he stands so prospectively over me. I wondered again if this would become normal to me in time.

"The village. They have everything there, but today the women go down to fulfill their chores about this time. Some work in the parlor, others go to do wash at the small pond. I suspect that's what most women are doing right now" I nod slowly, the ground hard and uncomfortable against the soft bottoms of my feet.

A group of women walk by, humans, talking quietly and giggling with each other. I wondered how they managed to find such joy in a place like this.

They catch me looking and their smiles fade a little, their conversation stops.

"Good day, Queen Ashley"

"Is there anything I can do for you, your highness?"

"You must be most uncomfortable in those dressings, Queen. Shall I assist you to find more...suitable clothing?"

All of the women speak, bowing in my presence, all of them blushing at Mike, their King that stand tall and proud with his arms behind his back.

I look up at him and wonder what they found so blush-worthy. Maybe it was just me. I lacked to find the part about him that would make me blush and hold my attention captive.

No doubt the King was good looking and strong enough to carry an ox, but was he really all that desirable? I still lack to find anything about him that should be attractive. I look away and to the women, gazing down at my clothes that I stole from him.

It's a wonder why he has not yet taking me to the courtyard and have me flogged for me disobeying him once again like he had warned. There was an emptiness in his words and warnings, yet I still found him untrustworthy.

My husband speaks for me.

"That's a very appropriate idea, ladies..." Two out of the three women giggle and I find myself raising an eyebrow; confused.

"In fact, why don't you find my wife some appropriate dressings and then show her around the village? I have some quick business to attend to" I found myself not wanting my husband to leave me with these women I barely knew. I just didn't feel that they could protect me if some random vampire decided to try and rip my throat out.

Mike begins to walk away, but before he can get out of reach, I touch his arm. His eyes shoot to me so sharply that I pull away and feel frightened. But I suck it up like I learned to do.

"I'm sure these ladies would like it more if you accompanied me. Besides, I'm sure the colony is eager to see us together. Can't your business wait?" I felt as though I was taking a chance at even asking, but I would not tell him I wanted him around because I considered my own safety.

He looks at the girls who are nodding their heads eagerly and pleading with him. A small smile comes to his face before he straightens his posture and sighs.

"Very well. I will accompany you and the ladies. I suppose my business can wait for a few hours" The feeling of a smile wants to accompany my face, but I don't let it.

Instead, the ladies smile and let me and Mike walk behind them as they show me the way to the "parlor".

I lean towards my husband, whispering:

"What business did you have to attend to?" He looks sideways at me, not allowing more than a glance my way.

He seems so stiff as he walks, so proper.

"Do not worry your pretty little mind about it, Queen Ashley. It is personal to me and my siblings" I raise an eyebrow, wondering what business it could be.

"Does that mean you will be leaving me later, then?" As if he suspected foul play in my words, he clears his throat.

"I will be certain to have my sister Liz accompany you in the time that I will be not present" Is all he says before one of the women turn to me and announce that we have made it to the parlor.

My husband seems to turn his nose up at first, but reluctantly keeps his promise to accompany me inside.

The women, human and vampire, all bow before us. I found it annoying, to have everyone bow before me and my husband, asking to many questions to answer them all.

Three males are in the parlor, getting sharp haircuts. They laugh at the sight of their King but do not fail to acknowledge him.

Already, the teasing has begun.

"Is the Queen even more beautiful with her clothes off?"

"Did she scratch you?"

"Whose bite was worse?"

Laughter roars through the parlor and I look at the floor as my face heats. Even though the crude remarks were directed to him, I wanted nothing more than to leave, or to scream the truth about what happened. But like he told me, lying to the colony about our consummation would be a traitor move and cost us both danger to our lives.

"Enough! All of you!..." My husband shouts, silence falling over the parlor like a heavy blanket.

He paces across the floor, arms behind his back, anger stricken face.

"You will show me and my wife respect. She is your Queen now and I am your king. You will either show respect, or I will make plans to make sure you do. Are we clear?" His growls are directed at the threaten who gulp, their faces growing more pale of that were possible.

"Yes, your majesty" They all answer in unison, a pit forming in my stomach as my husband's eyes direct themselves to mine.

"Ladies, please find my wife something suitable and modest to wear. She shall wear anything She desires" The ladies curtsy and shuffle through the back of the parlor quickly, grabbing my wrist and beginning to lead me through a door.

I look back at my husband and watch him stand, surveying the parlor, but not making any move to come with me. I close my eyes and hold my breath. I was with my own kind now. Could they be trusted to get me out of here? Could I even risk it?


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