{Chapter Nineteen}

141 17 15

The Whipping Post

June 12th, 2017


The courtroom strikes me as odd at first. It looks like a tiny office, with three men sitting behind a desk that welcome mine and my husband's arrival first.

They all give acknowledging nods to Liz who had brought us before mentioning for us to sit down in the chairs before them.

I cross my legs, an eyebrow raised as I sighed.

"What is this all about gentlemen? Why did you have to interrupt my evening with my husband?" The words just came out and when I realized how they sounded and saw the grins that all three men wore, I was utterly embarrassed.

I kept a strong face, ready to get whatever this business was, over with.

"We do apologize, your highness. But this meeting is strictly regarding last night at the ball. There is news fluttering about of Prince Billie harming you..." The middle man says in a monotone voice. He seemed to be the leader, the chief, the head of the committee.

I swallow, feeling the sweat forming at my hairline again.

"Yes. It's true...what about it?" All of the men look at each other with suspicion.

"I would like to hear the story recalled if you don't mind. Afterwards, we will seek the proper punishment for the incident" I gulped. Loud.

How could I be responsible of inflicting punishment on someone? Wouldn't that put me in even more danger?

I sit stiffly in my chair.

"Very well. I'll oblige" The middle man waves Liz and my husband off.

Liz is easy to convince to leave, my husband does so slowly, his eyes giving mine a solid plead to keep myself out of trouble with these guys.

One of the other men sees them out the door.

"Now, please recall last night's incident with our Prince Billie" My hands start to sweat as I hold them together firmly in my lap.

"Where should I start?" The man looks at me as if I've just said something incredibly stupid.

"Why did you go out unaccompanied, Queen Ashley? Let's start there"

Retracing my thoughts, I think about the way Mike held me so close while we danced.

"Me and my husband were dancing...and I recall just wanting to get some fresh air. He was being rather inappropriate at the time and I guess I was just a little nervous about it all..." I wait as the man writes key words down on a piece of paper.

"Go on" He pushes.

"So I ran outside to get some fresh air and the door locked behind me-"

"Your husband did not feel the need to run after his wife?" The man interrupts, a scowl on his face, fire and evil behind his eyes.

What did it all mean?

"No. I assume he thought it was best to leave me alone. I was angry at him" The man shares a look with the one sitting next to him before that man gets up and leaves out the door.

I hear struggling outside but I can't ask before I'm instructed to continue my story.

"The door locked behind me and I was alone. Then Prince Billie found me and..." Recalling the nightmare was almost torture, but I take a deep breath and continue.

"He spoke disgusting words at me about my husband, about himself and what he could do to me. He ripped my dress and scratched my thighs with his claws. And then he...and then he sucked my blood" The man listens attentively and gazes at the puncture wounds on my neck.

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