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"You're not supposed to be back until next week," she told him gently, leading him through to cubicles so she could check his wound,

"And you need to stop this with these wounds... I seem to spend half my time patching you up and redressing your wounds,"

He smiled, placing his hands either side of her arms and making her laugh as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her. Her arms slipped up around his chest and she allowed him to cuddle her firmly, "how are you? I've missed you," he told her and she felt herself blush,

"Drowning with paperwork... And besides why are you even back?" She asked,

"Rita has okay'd it... If it gets too much I'll let you know."

"Okay..." She smiled against his warm chest, "it's good to have you back,"

"It's good to be back sweetcheeks,"

"Let's just stay here like this all day," he murmured against her hair and they separated as the door opened, Robyn requesting they both joined her in resus.

"Salsa?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as he nodded,

"Come on, I've hardly seen you recently... The girls are with their grandma, come and dance with me,"

She rolled her eyes, "take Emma,"

"I want to take you," he told her, "This place is new... I thought we could try it out and then grab some food when we've had enough,"

To her surprise, she hadn't danced or laughed that much for longer than she could remember. Jacob Masters seemed to have the ability to make her happy, he knew just what to say and do to make her feel like herself again.

She sat closely to him as they finally left the dance floor and ordered some food. She placed her hand on his cheek and brushed her thumb against his skin,

"Recently I've been wondering..." She began, watching how his dark eyes flickered across her lips and down over her tight dress, "what it would be like to kiss you," she told him quietly,

He pushed her hair back behind her ear and slipped his other arm around her, his mouth moving closer to hers,

"Funnily enough I've been wondering the same," he told her and he helped her slip up onto his lap as his lips pressed against hers gently. She inhaled as his hands ran through her hair, his lips applied more pressure now and her arms wrapped around his neck as she curled into his strong body.

She groaned as he bit her lip, before groaning again as he phone rang,

"Mum it's grace... Where are you? It's so loud..."

She leaned into Jacob, "what's the matter sweetheart..."

"We're at the hospital... Granddad Charlie thinks Hollie has meningitis and..."

"I'm on my way Gracie... Stay with your sister, I'm on my way."

"Jacob, I have to go...I..."she uttered and he paid the bill before running after her, and getting in beside her in the taxi. He took her hand and she cuddled into his chest, "she'll be okay... She has you for a mother," he told her, keeping hold of her hand as she ran through into the paediatric treatment area,

"Mum," Grace yelled, and Connie dropped Jacobs hand as she embraced her daughter. Jacob nodded at Charlie as he flicked through Hollies notes,

"Hollie... I'm sorry," she spoke quietly, "she said her legs ached this morning... It was Sports day yesterday so I told her it was down to that,"

Jacob took Grace out it the room while they ventilated Hollie, before they started to pump her small body with fluids,

"It's not your fault Connie," Charlie told her, watching how she stepped back as they took her up to paediatric intensive care.

"I feel like it is," she admitted, "I'm going to follow her up..."

"Would you like me to have Gracie tonight?"

"Please Charlie..." She sobbed and he held her gently, "come on..."

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