Marry me

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She got home later than expected that night, having already rang him to tell him he'd need to cancel their dinner arrangements. She got home and sighed, the house was quiet and she knew he'd be disappointed. Work had been manic and they'd hardly seen each other over the past month.

"Jacob," she called quietly and he smiled at her from where Tog sat beside him on the sofa. The dog jumped up and over to Connie, wagging her tail as Connie stroked her gently. She walked over to him and sat gently on his lap, running her fingers firmly across his face,

"I'm sorry..." She begun and he shook his head, kissing her mouth gently.

"Go and get changed... There's about an hour of light left... I'm taking you for a picnic."

"Sometimes I think you're far too good for me,"

"Yeah well, I think that's where you're wrong," he told her honestly,

She placed a hand on his chest, before kissing his mouth, "give me ten minutes."

They sat closely on the large picnic blanket, overlooking Holby.

"I'm sorry about the last month," she told him as she leaned back against his chest, his hand slipping underneath her too and stroking her skin, "I stepped down as clinical lead today... I'll still be Consultant... But I need a break."

"You don't need to apologise," he told her kindly,

They watched the sky turn dark, and he stood up, holding out his hand and cuddling her to him. She watched him as he dipped down to one knee in front of her, her heart skipped and she inhaled,

"I love you Connie..." He told her gently, holding her now shaking hand in his own, "I will always love you... You and your girls are everything to me and I want nothing more than to call you my wife..." He stood up, tucking her hair behind her ears as tears rolled down her cheeks,

"Will you marry me sweetcheeks?" He took the ring out of his pocket and she nodded as he slipped it onto her hand,

He smiled, kissing her mouth before she wrapped her arm tightly around his neck,

"Yes, I'll marry you," she whispered against his neck.

He kissed her gently, "don't cry," he told her gently, "between us, we've got this,"

She allowed him to lift her, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Hours later it had turned dark, the lights twinkling over Holby, the stars shining above them. She lay on his chest wearing only his shirt as he lay in his boxers. They didn't care that they could be seen by walkers; and she wasn't really sure many people came up here anyway.

His hands ran gently through her hair as she looked at how the ring sparkled,

"We can choose another one if you'd prefer..."

She shook her head, "it's so beautiful..."

"Your girls helped me choose," he told her gently and she propped herself up on his chest,

"They did?"

He nodded, "of course they did... I want you and them... I wouldn't have proposed if they weren't okay with it..."

She ran her fingertips over his face gently, "you're making me want to cry all over again Jacob," she admitted, "thank you for including them... Although I have no idea how they kept it to themselves,"

"Hollie wasn't keen on not telling you that's for sure."

The following morning she opened the door to her daughters, before she handed Tog some breakfast.

As they ate she placed her hand out on the worktop in front of them, and laughed as Hollie squealed.

Grace got up and threw her arms around a Connie, "you said yes?"

Hollie ran upstairs yelling for Jacob,

"Hol... He's at work... He will be back this


They laughed as she ran down the stairs and squeezed Connie tightly,

"Does this mean we can be bridesmaids mum?" Hollie grinned and Connie nodded, her arm now around Grace as they stood admiring the ring.

"I heard you girls helped choose it..."

"Grace saw it first," Hollie admitted, "but me and Jacob loved it... He said there's a diamond on here that represents the three of us,"

Connie nodded, "and you girls are okay with this?"

"Mum... He makes you happy, of course we are."

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