Final letter

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"To my beautiful wife; this is the last letter I'm going to write to you. I can't explain how hard it is writing this knowing I won't be with you when you open it. To keep writing would be unfair; the girls have letters for milestones in their life and then the rest will be left to memories.

I'm writing this because you've found someone new. Someone who you think may be more than just a fling, and someone you want to welcome into our family. Believe me when I say I'm glad, I want you and our girls to be happy.

I hope you've found someone who will love you in ways I didn't get chance too. I hope you've found someone who will hold you tightly when you cry, and sit with you when you're sad. I hope you've found someone who can make you laugh so hard it hurts and who will tell you when you're being impossibly stubborn. I hope you find someone who will love the way your eyes twinkle when you're happy, I always loved that those eyes were the last thing I'd see before I went to sleep at night.

I hope he makes our girls happy, but I know you, I know you won't be with anyone who doesn't accept our girls.

I hope that someone is Jacob. I've seen how he cares for you and the girls, and I've seen (but could never vocalise) how you light up when he's around. Don't worry, I know you were only friends, and I know that he'll look after you when I'm no longer here to do so. If he's not Jacob, I hope he is as kind and loyal as he is.

Don't feel guilty for moving on, know that I love you Connie. Know that you deserve to find love again. I will always be with you, and I will always be proud of you. You will always be the most beautiful woman in the room, and I will never forget how happy you made me when you agreed to be my wife. You're a wonderful mother and a wonderful woman, and I'm so happy that I got to spend my life with you. I love you, always. 

Sam xx"

He came home to see her sat outside on a rug, a letter in her hands, tears streaming down her face.

"Connie?" He asked, sitting behind her and cuddling her as she nestled into his chest.

"Charlie gave me this today...Sam wrote it when he found out about the cancer," she handed it to him and closed her eyes as he held her with one hand and read the letter with the other.

"He's got a way with words," he smiled and she nodded.

"I'm glad you didn't marry Emma... I used to wake at night wondering how I could attend your wedding when we had never given this a chance,"

"I meant it when I said you were first and foremost my friend Connie," he told her, "I've loved you since I met you; but I was more than content having you as my friend."

"And now?" She smiled, placing her hand on his face. He kissed her deeply, making her smile as he cuddled her and rested his chin on her shoulder, "now we've done this, for me there's no going back... Friends is no longer enough,"

She nodded, "I love you Jacob Masters," she admitted, before looking up at the bright sky, "you were right Sam... I love him, but I will never stop missing you."

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