Another dog

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Thank you all to everyone still reading this, my phone screen has cracked so finding it tricky to reply to individual messages but I appreciate them all :) xx

"I know you you know," she told him as she watched him hover over his phone,

"What are you weighing up telling me?"

He laughed, pulling her into his arms and kissing her neck,

"My friend and his family are moving to New Zealand with work... And they can't take their dog with them..." Jacob offered,

Connie raised her eyebrows but she couldn't help but noticed how excited her daughters both looked,

"Oh, he's still a puppy," Grace smiled, "and he looks just like Tog but brown,"

"What if Tog doesn't take to him?" Connie asked and Jacob shrugged; "she's met him a few times in the park and they play together... He lives outside in a kennel at the moment anyway, so we could always start with that,"

Connie cuddled into him before bending down and stroking Tog who wagged her tail and leaned against Connie's legs,

"What do you think girl?" She asked, watching how the dog barked and wagged her tail,

"Please mum... It's the school holidays soon, so we could him settle in,"

The following day she pulled herself up after her night shift, "sometimes I want to curse you Jacob Masters," she uttered and he laughed,

"You know you'll love him when she see him."

The still small, five months old puppy bounded up to Connie, and Jacob nudged the girls as she scooped him up.

"It's like you lot told him to do that," Connie grumbled, before she called Tog over, "be nice Tog, you were this small once,"

Jacob couldn't help but take a photograph of her as she sat down, the smaller dog on her lap as Tog sniffed him gently,

Connie smiled, "what do you think Tog... Do you fancy a friend?"

"Mum can we take him?" Hollie asked sweetly, and Connie rolled her eyes, "yes... When do you leave Nick?"

"Next weekend... Can we drop him round then?"

"Or we could pick him up, may save less tears?" Jacob offered as Nick smiled, "that might be a better idea."

"Jacob, come and look at mum," Grace whispered, watching as he came out of the bathroom,

"Where is she?"

Hollie took his hand and Jacob smiled as he saw how Connie lay asleep on the sofa with Tog on the floor and Simba on her chest.

"He was crying last night, she must have gone down to calm him,"

Jacob shook his head, taking a picture of her and smiling. It was for reasons like this, that most people couldn't picture, that he truly loved her.

"Right, I'll take you both to school... Let your mum sleep in for a bit."

He came home to find her still fast asleep with both dogs cuddled beside her.

He crouched down next to her and brushed her hair back gently,

"Don't worry," he told her, "the girls are at school..."

Her eyes flickered open and she placed her hand on his cheek, watching as he kissed her gently.

"So," he smiled, lifting the puppy from her lap and watching as she sat up, "I woke to find my fiancé snuggled down here instead of into me... You're not going soft over that dog you didn't want are you?"

"You know, I never said I didn't want her," she smiled and he raised his eyebrow,

"What time are you in work?" She asked and he kissed her forehead, "Six..."

"Me too," she nodded, "Come and take these two on a run with me and I'm sure we'll have more than enough time to shower together."

"I love you even more after we do that," he smiled, watching how she raised her eyebrow as she put her earrings in,

"You may want to expand on that," she told him, turning to face him as he pulled his top over his head,

"When the girls are out and you don't hide what a vocal lover you can be," he told her honestly and she met his eyes, walking over and wrapping his arms around his neck,

"I can't help it that you make me scream Mr. Masters," she smiled, dropping kisses to his neck,

He tucked her hair behind her ear, "I can't help it that I like the way you scream for me," he admitted,

"Right, enough of that, bloody get ready so we can spend a bit of time with the girls before we have to go to work."

"Hey, at least we're working together," he told her and she watched the ways his eyes flickered,

"You're naughty... Stop it..."

He shrugged, "I won't apologise for wanting you... All the time... I'll never apologise for that."

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