One to Blame.

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Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope you like this chapter. The one that is actually for Valentines day is coming up. I would have posted this on Wednesday but I had to change a few things and add some things. Have a good day everyone! 


I opened the diary again; If I was going to confront this girl who could be the person behind the kidnapping, I had to know as much as I could about her and maybe her relationship with Drake. Knowledge is Power. The less you know, the more you could get hurt.

That was the first lesson I learned in my training, when I agreed to join. Though it wasn't that long ago, it still felt like another life to me.

The first entry was, honestly, horrendous. It was excruciatingly difficult for me to read the beginning of Drakes journal due to the fact it wasn't really a journal. It was more like a schedule/plot list of his day.

"My dad gave me this today. Told me to write. I am writing. I am not sure what to write. My name is Drake. I like to swim. I hate school. I want to be a doctor, 'and you should date me because...' This feels like a dating website, not a journal. 

I had school today. Nothing special. Same classes as everyday. Same results as everyday. Same feelings as everyday. Same old thing as everyday.

I don't get why I need this. Mom said it was because of my depression. To get my feelings out. I am not depressed. Writing doesn't help me. I have a chemical imbalance in my brain. That can't be cured by words, paper and pen. Can't be cured by meds. Can't be cured by girls. Can't be cured by anything but swimming. Swimming gets my mind off things. Washes away my problems.

And yet I keep writing. 

Today, in school, I saw a guy trip. It was funny. Then a girl started dancing a jig in the hallway. Her friends laughed. I just felt embarrassed for her. Even Amber commented on the embarrassment..." From there on, I started skimming. I just couldn't take it. He went to Subway, whatever that is, had a good sandwich though he could make it better. His homework sucked like it always did. Then he was in bed writing. 

I know I won't get information from the first entry, I know all the answers to my problems won't be there, but how I wish it was so that I wouldn't have to read this nonsense. But like I have been learning over and over again, wanting and getting are two completely different things. 

Two hours, 13 entries later, I finally found out some information that has the potential to help in the future. Amber and him had been friends for 4 years prior to dating. He always knew she liked him, it was obvious to him though he didn't let her know. He never saw her that way before. Then this entry, was changed so drastically. It was like night and day, but if someone didn't have a trained eye on noticing details, they wouldn't notice that there was an alarm going off.

He mentioned the smell of her hair, how her eyes were so enticing all of a sudden. "...Some weird type of green with weird triangle type of patterns." Very descriptive of him, I thought. How romantic.

Then he said he had feelings that he felt was there all along but tried to hide. If this is his journal and where his feelings went, than why would he hide it from this book as well? Even when trying to convince himself against those feelings, he would have written it down. Something along the lines of "Erm, I got this feeling I like her but I think I am going to hide it because I know it would destroy her to do so."

That is just ridiculous! He knew how she felt so if he actually had those feelings for a while, he would have let her know because of how she felt! There had to, had to be foul play in this. She is a Pagan, so he says. What if she casted a spell? Pagan's do lust charms to make them more desirable, but not spells on others unless for protection. Maybe this world is just different, though.

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