College ( 1 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~


My ears were bombarded as the blaring alarm went off.

"Too damn early," I whined as I slammed my hand onto the alarm clock. Shit, that hurt. 

I sat up and rubbed my groggy eyes. Today was my first day of college. I, of course, majoring in musical arts and minoring in dance at Big Hit University. It was a small college, and very selective.

I was excited because I would get to join my hyungs: Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon. My friend and roommate, Taehyung, would also be going to Big Hit Uni so that was another thing to look forward to.

But most of all, I was excited because I might finally meet my soulmate. 

I looked at the grey bunny tattoo on my wrist. Every time I meet someone new, I would always look at it to see if it gained its color yet. But it never did. I just wanted to see even a little bit of color show, to know I was close.

Maybe I'm destined to be alone... I sighed as I stood up, a small frown on my chubby face. 

Quickly, I walked over to my dresser and looked in the drawers. Ooh! Maybe this... 

I pulled out a blue sweater and tight black pants. I changed into them swiftly and looked in the mirror. 

Nope. Definitely not. Way too early in the year to dress warmly. But maybe a little warm is okay. 

Ripping off my clothes and throwing them behind me, I walked back to the open drawer. I grabbed out a black and white striped shirt, and grey ripped skinny jeans. 

After pulling them on and looking in the mirror for a bit, I realized I didn't like it. Groaning, I ripped the clothes off again, adding to my growing pile of clothing behind me. Why do I have to care so much about appearances?

After about ten outfit changes, I decided on beige cargo shorts and a white button up. I looked in the mirror one last time, adjusting my newly dyed black hair, and walking out of the room. Hopefully, this look will perfectly scream I'M GAY for all the single guys.

I looked into the living room to see Tae strolling into the kitchen gently.

"Morning, Tae," I smiled brightly, being much more awake now. "Are you ready for school?" I skipped into the kitchen, standing behind his tall figure. He walked to the fridge and picked out a container with eggs and steak.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see Hoseok," He beamed, suddenly more awake at the mention of Hoseok's name. He moved over to counter, opening a cabinet and grabbing plates. As he did, I looked with envy at his beautiful soulmate tattoo. 

"Can I see it again? It's so pretty," My eyes sparkled as he moved his wrist towards me with glee. 

It was a wonderous yellow-gold sun with green flecks. I couldn't wait until mine looked like that. Hopefully not yellow because a yellow bunny would be weird. 

As he retracted his wrist, I smiled at the thought of getting a soulmate.  I really loved love and I'm certain my soulmate would too. I smiled brighter thinking more about it and looked up when a plate of food was slid in front of me.

"Thank you," I huffed to Tae as he sat beside me at the island. 

We ate our food slowly as we talked about classes. I had three classes with him and was scared about the others. I didn't have very many friends my age, but I'm sure I'll make some.

I never got the chance to compare schedules with the others so I don't know if I'll have mixed classes with them. I really hope I do. 

We finished our food and headed over to the school. It was only ten minutes away from the dorms so we didn't rush.

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