Day 7

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

I took Jimin's small and soft hands in mine. A perfect fit. I stared at his beautiful orange locks and noticed the brown peeking through at the roots. 

"You like what you see?" A smirk filled his face and I blushed. 

"Maybe," I whispered. A sweet chuckle filled my ears and swarmed my brain. It was beautiful and music to me. But the clinking of my crutches cracked the sweet sound. 

We continued on and arrived at a small breakfast cafe. 

"Table for two, please," He spoke with a smile. The lady nodded and gave us our menus. We sat down and I scanned the menu with eager eyes. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I heated up knowing they were Jimin's. 

"You should be looking at the menu, not me," I teased him as I looked up. His eyes widened and a blush took his face. He looked to the side. 

~ Jimin's POV ~

"I already know what I'm getting anyway," I spoke in hushed tones. His di- STOP.

"What?" He asked. 

"The pancakes. You?" I asked. 

"The Jibooty," He smirked. My face became even more red, if possible. I looked down at the menu. 

"I don't see that on the menu," I murmured in a child-like voice. His beautiful chuckle filled the restaurant again and I smiled. 

"I guess I'll settle for the Belgian waffles then," He pouted. I chuckled as I looked into his eyes. 

~ Time Skip ~

I chuckled as I walked beside Jungkook out of the restaurant. I looked over at him and noticed a smudge of whip cream on his nose. 

"Ah, stop for a second Kookie," I walked in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders. He titled his head to the side and raised and eyebrow. 

"What's wro-" I cut him off by pecking him on the nose and getting the whipped cream at the same time.  His eyes suddenly widened as his head retreated into his neck like a turtle. Once again, his face filled with red. 

"Sorry, there was a bit of whip cream," I smirked. He chuckled and I moved back beside him. 

"Where to next, hyung?" He asked. 

"Let's see," I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 10. 

"Well, I would say lunch but we just ate," He chuckled at my remark and I thought. 

"Hmm... Oh! Let's go to the park until it's time for the balloon ride," I said. The ride wasn't until one o'clock. (13:00)

He nodded a yes and we began the trip to the park. My feet hit the ground softly in line with his crutches. 

A few minutes passed and we were at the park. I ran to the swings like a child and sat down. 

The wind around me blew my hair softly. The gentle breeze sent a small shiver down my spine.  Flower petals and leaves gently swayed and it made the mood all that much more peaceful. 

"Aw, such a child. Your height fits you," Jungkook teased. He moved much slower on the woodchips as his crutches were basically falling through them. He tried to move forward but his crutch slid through the woodchips. 

With a loud thump, he landed face first on the woodchips. 

"Ow," He spoke through the woodchips. It came out as more of a statement rather than a complaint or whine. I chuckled but covered my mouth as I walked over to him. 

"Come on up," I reached my hand out to him and he pushed himself to sit up. His face was red, not from a blush, but from the impact. 

I couldn't help it anymore. My pursed lips ripped open and burst into laughter. 

"Hyung! It's not funny~!" He whined as he crossed his arms. I fell down to the ground on my side as I cried from laughter. I was breathing heavily, so much so that I accidentally breathed in a woodchip. 

I stopped laughing and sat up as I coughed. The woodchip fell out of my mouth and I gasped for breath. Now Jungkook began to laugh. At first, I was mad, but I soon joined him. 

We sat there, both covered in woodchips, cracking up. We slowed our laugh and I noticed that I had moved closer to him. Inches from his face, my laugh faded into a smile. Small but powerful. Like me. 

"Jiminie hyung," Jungkook whispered as he scanned my face. His eyes flitted up and down my face. 

"Yeah?" I asked as my breathing seemed to get heavier. He smiled softly and moved closer to me. His lips melted into mine as we held a passionate kiss. 

The moment felt like it lasted forever, yet, it was over far too soon. He pulled away and I smiled with my eyes sweetly shut. 

With him, it felt like the world stopped. Moments like these, they made my heart beat crazily. My face heat up. My heart felt complete. Yet, they hurt. So much. 

I wouldn't be able to spend many more with him. In fact, I'm not even sure how much more of the day I have with him. 

Thinking about this brings tears to my eyes, but I fight them off for Jungkook's sake. 

I pull him into a hug and place my lips on his once more. I wish I could keep doing this. Forever. 


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