Hospital ( 9 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I rushed to Jungkook's side as he fell to the ground. I grabbed him in my arms, his head resting on my lap.

Tears overwhelmed me as everyone crowded around us. 

"Someone call an ambulance!" I shouted, my eyes never leaving Jungkook's closing eyes. Crystal drops fell onto Jungkook as I held in my screams. 

I stood up with him in my arms and tried so hard not to fall. I'm not super strong and he's taller than me. 

Seconds felt like hours as I moved towards the roads. Adrenaline being the only thing keeping me up. 

I heard the sirens and I raced towards them. My feet pounding the ground, every move rocking Jungkook a bit more. 

My blurry eyes met the ambulance and I flagged them down, yelling at the top of my lungs. They pulled over and people rushed out. 

I told them what happened as hot tears burned my face. They removed him from my arms, his warmth leaving me. He laid on a stretcher, unconscious as they worked to get him in. 

Finally, they took him in the back and I came with. I heard the others behind me but there wasn't enough room for them all. They told me they would meet me there and I nodded, my eyes never leaving Jungkook. 

They hooked him up to machines as I grabbed onto his hand. I squeezed it, trying to reassure myself that he would be okay. 

I held his hand to my face and grasped it with both hands. 

"It's okay, you'll be alright," I whispered into his hands. 

Minutes passed, but it felt like hours. 

When we arrived at the hospital, they pulled him out. I followed in and went to the front desk. I checked him in and they notified his parents. 

I ran back to his room and asked if I could see him. They told me they were doing a few scans and that I had to wait in the room they would take him into later. 

I walked into the room and received texts from the others. They asked what room he was in and I told them. A few minutes passed and they arrived. I was expecting to see Jungkook's parents, but when they didn't show, I assumed they were talking with the doctors. 

After what felt like forever, the nurse brought Jungkook in on a wheelchair with a doctor close behind. I rushed over to him and he smiled weakly. 

"I'm so glad you're alright," I said as I leaned down and hugged him. 

"For now," The doctor said. I looked up at him and the nurse helped Jungkook onto the bed. 

"What's wrong," I asked. He motioned for me to come outside and I did. 

"I'm certain you know by now but, he has brain cancer. Right now, we're trying our best to help, but the reason he passed out was that the tumor hit a very sensitive part of the brain," He told me. I looked at him and bit my lip. 

"But you can remove it, right?" I held onto my hope. 

"It would be a risky procedure, but I'm not even sure if they could afford it," He explained to me. 

"I could pay, my father is a doctor at this hospital, it pays well and-" He cut me off. 

"Wait, your father is a doctor here?" He questioned. 

"Yes, Dr. Park. I'm his son, Park Jimin," His eyes widened. 

"Wait, you're Park Jimin?" I nodded and he smiled. 

"Your father is an amazing doctor, I'm sure if we brought him over, he could do the surgery flawlessly," He told me. I was a bit confused as to why they didn't have him do it in the first place...

"If he could do it perfectly, why didn't you have him do it before," I asked. He laughed nervously before speaking. 

"Well, it was just the small problem with money, you have to understand. I don't make the choices," He explained. I scoffed a bit and saw Jungkook's parents running into the room. 

"Can you get my father here, I would like to speak with him," I spoke coldly.

"Ah, of course, Mr. Park," He walked away and I entered the room again. 

"Kook ah, I'm so glad you're okay," Jungkook's mother spoke. She held his hands and he smiled at her. 

"We will try our best to make you better, okay?" His father spoke. 

"I wouldn't be okay if it wasn't for Jiminie," Jungkook pointed at me. I smiled at the nickname and blushed as well. 

"Thank you," His mother said. I smiled told her it was no big deal. She walked up to me and hugged me. 

"I'm glad that his soulmate is kind," She whispered to me. I smiled and thanked her. His father just glared at me and I stared at him. 

"We'll need to find a way to get the money," His father said. I broke my gaze from him and rocked back and forth. 

"Actually, about that, my dad is a doctor here and he could do the surgery for free. The hospital really values him and they would definitely let him," Everyone looked at me shocked, except for Tae. He knew I would do anything for Jungkook and he just gave me a thumbs up. 

"Thank you, so much, really," His mother thanked me. She looked back at Jungkook and whispered something. He smiled and hugged her afterward. 

"Yeah, um, thanks," His father said awkwardly. I smirked knowing that I made him rethink what he thought of me. 

"No problem, anything for Jungkook," I gave Jungkook my eye smile and he blushed. He flashed a bunny smile as the doors opened. 

"Ah, Jimin-ssi, there you are. And is this Jungkook?" My dad asked as he greeted us. 

"Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook. It's nice to meet you," He spoke quietly. Dad walked over to him and gave him a hug. 

"No need to be formal, I basically know everything about you from Jimin," Dad let go of him and Jungkook smiled. 

"You must be Mr. and Mrs. Jeon I presume?" He asked as he hugged both of them. 

"Yes, and thank you for what you're doing," Jungkook's mother spoke kindly. 

"It's no problem. I want my son to spend more time with his soulmate after all," Everyone chuckled a bit and my father took them into the hallway to talk. I sat next to Jungkook and grabbed his hand. 

"Your dad is really kind. And charismatic," He chuckled. 

"Yeah, I lucked out," I chuckled. "But, he's basically your dad, too."

Jungkook's eyes widened and he smiled softly, "I guess I am a part of the family."

I kissed his forehead, earning groans of disgust from the boys. I rolled my eyes before turning on my heels to look at them, "Oh shut up. You guys practically swallow each other in front of me."


We spent a couple of hours simply chatting. 

"You know, you guys don't have to be here. You should go home and rest," Jungkook spoke. 

"We should get going. Jimin you should stay, though. Oh, Jimin," Tae spoke grabbing my attention, "don't do anything scandalous. Also, let us know if you need us. Or a con-"

"Get out," I cut him off with my embarrassed words. I blushed intensely as I shoved them out of the room. 

"Aish. He is ridiculous," I sat back down next to Jungkook and intertwined our fingers. He chuckled at my words and I found my gaze locked onto his eyes. Before I knew it, I was leaning in and locking lips. 

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