Library ( 2 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I looked at him as my wrist tingled. He looked so... rushed. He had messy hair, coffee in one hand, bags under his eyes, and was missing his shirt... Well. That's weird. 

He looked wildly around the room and the tingling disappeared.

"Looks like the brunette isn't my soulmate," I whispered to myself as I put my lock on a gym locker. 

"But take note, that's what a senior looks like," Yoongi whispers jokingly as I chuckle. 

Looking back at my locker, I threw in my gym clothes. Before locking it, I let out a sigh. He really got my hopes up dammit.

"Come on hyungs! Let's go back out, it's cold in here," I said as I shivered a bit, keeping my upbeat demeanor. They chuckled and hurried up. When they finished, I rushed out and realized something. In the locker room, there's a classroom above it. And, there is a hallway outside of it. Maybe he was walking in the hall or the class...


Gym passed by quickly as well as my other classes. My wrist didn't tingle at all and it was still grey. I sighed to myself as I walked over to my friends. I wanted so badly to find my soulmate, and yet, I couldn't.

"Hey, guys!" I said happily as I approached them, Yoongi gave me an odd look, clearly sensing something was off. The others smiled and greeted me back.

"I was thinking, you guys wanna go to the library? We can do what homework we have and then hang out," J-Hope suggested. I nodded my head, knowing easily we'd never get any actual work done, and everyone else agreed. We left the commons, heading towards the old library in Busan. 

~ ??? POV ~

I looked up at the large library in front of me as I continued to walk. My feet carried me into the library, the soothing smell of books wafted through my nose. 

I smiled at the familiar scent and walked to the upstairs of the library, my feet producing small thuds as I walked. I continued on and saw a large group of boys gawking at a large book.

I searched their faces, but one boy caught my eye. I admired his beautiful black hair and his eye smile as a giggle escaped his plump lips. He looks just like a prince. That or a Brat doll. 

I felt butterflies in my stomach and a familiar tingle on my wrist. 

I noticed the black haired boy look up at me and smile.  He looked at his wrist for a split second and I dashed off. I hid in one of the aisles and heard him and his friends walk past.

"Jimin? Are you sure he went this way?" One of his friends questioned him, his voice scratchy yet sweet. I stayed still with my back against the books as they went through the aisle next to me.

"I'm sure. And I know he was my soulmate. I had the color and he just looked so- I don't know how to describe it," The boy apparently named Jimin, muttered dazedly. I heard their footsteps and voices get farther and took my chance to run up to the top/third floor.

I felt bad knowing that he probably wanted to meet me. But, I couldn't do that to him. I didn't want to let him down when he met me. I also didn't exactly want to come out to my strict and homophobic parents.

I sighed to myself as I looked for a quiet place to study up here. I felt a tingle on my wrist again and assumed that he was just near me on the second floor. Turns out, I was wrong. I felt a sudden pull on my arm and was yanked backward.

"Hey!" I shouted, forgetting that we were in a library. I felt a hand go over my mouth and I tried hard to push myself away from the mystery man as the tingling became stronger.

No, no, no. I can't do this. Not right now.

I used all of my strength to rip out of the man's grip as voices became louder in my ears. I finally broke free and ran down all of the stairs to the exit. I heard shouting behind me as I continued to run. Tears falling down my cheeks.

I'm sorry Jimin. I hope you'll understand my motives.

~ Author's Note ~

OMG, WHO IS ITTTTT. You can probably guess, but whatever. It's getting really intense right now.

This is just a short update because I will update Saturday (late), and Sunday. It would have been longer, but I have a party to go to. Sorrrryyy!

Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. I love the support.

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