Caught ( 3 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

We continued to chase the attractive boy down the sidewalk. I knew he was my soulmate. The closer I got to him, the more color my wrist took on. We were inches away from him but he was moving surprisingly fast. 

After a bit, Namjoon tripped and Jin stopped to check on him.

He was running with ease and you could tell he was athletic. The only thing that took away from it was his pale and exhausted face. 

It almost mimicked mine since I was so tired. I wanted to stop but I didn't. I couldn't.  

We approached a busy street and I knew he would have to stop. As he slowed down, I sped up and tackled him. Which didn't really work in my favor, I was far too short and he was far too strong.

He turned his head to yell as his eyes widened. Here comes Taehyung. 

He fell to his knees, bracing with his hands when Taheyung came and tackled him as well.

"Get off me!" My soulmate yelled, struggling beneath me. Taehyung got off but I stayed on his back, causing him to be able to stand, yet, he didn't.

"No, not until you tell me why you're running from me," I got off his back and sat on the concrete. My face red, realizing I actually just tackled my soulmate. "Do you not want to meet me?" 

Thoughts swirled around my head as he sat up to face me, the boys watching intently from afar. Will he be disappointed? Did he think I was ugly? What if he's straight?

I froze at my last words. What if he wasn't my soulmate but I was his?

I grabbed his wrist slowly, wanting to see if his tattoo lit up, too. He didn't move away so I rolled up his sleeve. His eyes bored holes into me as I looked. I saw a tattoo of two mochis hugging, radiating with color.

I smiled at the tattoo until my eyes moved farther down his wrist

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I smiled at the tattoo until my eyes moved farther down his wrist. I saw bruises lining it and I looked up at him.

"It's not that I didn't want to meet you. I just didn't want to disappoint you and my parents," He said softly.

I thought I would disappoint him. But, why would he disappoint his parents? Oh. He doesn't think I'm good enough... 

I looked at him sadly as I heard the rest of the boys approach us. My eyes met his, but he didn't look into mine. 

"How would you disappoint me? And your parents?" I asked him as I examined his eyes closely. Big and brown, adorable like a bunny's. He suddenly met my eyes and I flushed red realizing I had been staring. His eyes flicker over my face and back at the boys.

"Can we talk somewhere else? Alone?" He asked me, referring to the boys. I nodded my head and stood up. I offered my hand to him and he hesitantly took it. 

So soft... But huge in mine. I was really only holding the side of his hand like a child. 

He stood up, barely using me. He wrapped his long fingers around my hand and I couldn't pry my eyes away from it. 

"G-Guys, I'm gonna get going. See you tomorrow?" I spoke, a smile on my lips as I stared at our interlocked hands. I rubbed my thumb over his hand. 

"Yeah. I'll see you back at the dorm room, right?" Taehyung checked. I hummed a yes and gave a weak nod. 

As we walked on, I removed my eyes from his hand on mine to his face- well, his lips. 

"What's your name? I'm Park Jimin," I introduced myself. He looked over at me with a weak smile before speaking.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook met my eyes before turning his head back in front. "But you shouldn't get attached to me." He chuckled sadly beside me. 

"Why not? You are my soulmate," I said as I swung our hands, a smile brightening my lips. I looked back at him only to catch him smiling at our interlocked hands. 

He pulled me to turn and we approached a small park. I gasped before running to the swings, dragging him along with me. I sat down in one and he sat next to me.

"I love this park," I muttered softly to myself which enforced a giggle from Jungkook. 

"Just because we're soulmates doesn't mean you'll spend forever with me," He said with a sad smile. I chuckled, thinking he was joking before I caught his serious gaze. My smile dropped, happiness replaced with confusion. 

"Well, why not?" I asked curiously. He stayed silent so I stood up, standing next to him, poking him with my left hand, my blue and purple tattoo flaring since I had nothing covering it. 

"Tell me?" He met my eyes, captivating me causing me to forget what I had asked until he sighed and squeezed my hand. He let go and stood up, inches from me. My face turned red once his eyes met mine, so close I could feel his breath. 

"Because I'm dying, okay? I have brain cancer and I probably don't have much longer."

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