Funeral Pt. 1

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I trudged into the car. Each step wrinkling my black suit a bit more. 

As I sat down in the middle with Minji next to me, I noticed I hadn't looked at it yet. 

My arm raised towards my face and I rolled my sleeve up gently. 

Grey. All it was. The once beautiful and spectrum filled bunny had been engulfed in a suffocating grey. 

My arm fell in defeat at my side. I needed to see it was there yet... But I can't bear the thought of it being there. 

"Jimin oppa? Are you okay?" Minji asked. Her eyes twinkled with concern and found their way to my wrist. Her face turned sad as she looked at me. 

As if on cue, she reached across the open space and hugged me. Aish, what did I do for such a loving sister?


We arrived at the wake before everyone. Well, besides his mother. 

"Oh, Jimin ssi," Mrs. Jeon wrapped me in a big hug. Her body shook a bit as she clearly fought back tears. 

"I know," I whispered as I held her tighter. 

"Let's go get ready," She pulled away and her glassy eyes met mine. She gave me a sad smile and held her hands on my shoulders. 

She wrapped an arm around me and I felt safer then than I had in, well, since he died. 


The room was all set up, pictures all along the walls. The place for his coffin. 

We were now just waiting for the funeral workers to bring it out. 

I was chatting with Mrs. Jeon a bit when they brought him out. Everyone went silent as we wondered who would approach it first. 

I hadn't seen him since that day. I had no idea what he looked like and my curiosity moved my feet. 

In a few seconds, I stood above his beautiful face. The makeup made him look alive and as though his eyes could open any minute. 

But they won't. And they didn't. They can't. 

My hand glided into the coffin and onto his face. Cold. So cold. 

"I've missed you Kook ah," Mrs. Jeon whispered. My hand moved away from his face and onto her shoulder. 

"He still looks so happy," I smiled. 


The people began to arrive and after they saw Jungkook, they would be lead to their seats. 

I had gone to the bathroom to wash my face a bit and I looked in the mirror.

The bags under my eyes were a bit less visible but my eyes are in a constant cloud of gloss. My eyebrows seem to be somewhat lowered and knit together.

I took a deep breath and sighed. 

Walking out, I met up again with Mrs. Jeon at the front greeting people. 

"You just missed your friends," She whispered with a small smile. 

"It's fine, we're all staying at my house anyway. But, none of them were awake this morning besides Jin," I whispered back as I shook hands with someone. 

"There's a lot of people here already," She whispered. She wasn't wrong. 

The large funeral home was already packed with about 160 people. We still had about an hour until the actual funeral began so people were still arriving. 

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