Day 2 (14)

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

I laid on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. My head throbbed and I didn't want to move. Yet, I still threw my arm over and quickly pulled my phone to me. 

Once I hand my phone in hand, I flopped my arms on the bed and held my breath, trying to lessen the pain. 

I hit my thumb onto the power button and looked at my phone. It's only 7?! Too early. I dropped my phone back on the table and sighed. Jimin won't be able to come until 3... ( 15:00 ) I'll just go back to sleep.... 

~ Jimin's POV ~ 

I ran to school as I finished pulling on my sweatshirt. I woke up late and only had five minutes until school started. I sprinted and sprinted until I finally came upon the front doors. I rushed through to my class just as the bell rang. 

"Wow, cliche, but hey! I made it," I mumbled as I took my seat breathless. I walked back to my seat and sighed as the teacher began his lecture. 

They day went by quickly and soon it was my last class. Dance with Hobi!

"Hey Hobi!" I smiled as I walked up to him. 

"Hey Jimin!" He smiled back at me as we started to stretch.  

"Do you know what we are doing today?" I asked, not wanting to stay later than I needed to. 

"Not sure. Why?" He continued stretching. 

"I wanna do something with Jungkook after school. He only has... you-you know," I spoke softly. He wrapped his arms around me into a big hug. I smiled slightly as he grabbed my shoulder and pushed to look at him. 

"I'm sorry. I wish I could say more, but, I've never experienced something this painful. I can really only tell you cliches," He chuckled at the last sentence and I chuckled at his accuracy. 

"Let's get going, we still have to practice our final," I got off topic. He pouted as the bell rang and our instructor walked in. 

"Alright, everyone! I was going to have you work on your dance finals today, but, the school needs this room for 'important issues' so we have to leave," She sounded very sassy and upset while speaking. Shouts of disappointment arose from everyone. 

"What's the important issue?" I asked the question everyone was thinking. 

"The basketball team needs this room to practice because the gym is being cleaned," She popped her hip as she spoke. Everyone shouted and Ms. Beau had to silence us.

"Listen, it's unfair, I know. But we can't do anything about it," She calmed us down and she lead us out of the room. I was extremely upset as I saw the basketball players walk in. I kept my head down and walked up to Ms. Beau. 

"What do we do now?" I asked. 

"Well, we aren't allowed any other rooms so, we just get to leave early today," She sounded defeated as we all walked outside. 

"Wait, I can see Jungkook early!" I whisper-shouted to myself. It raised my mood a bit, but I was still upset. I know I can rant to Jungkook. But first, I'll bring him something to eat. 

I walked to the dorms and dropped off my stuff. It was only 2 (14) so I had a while until I had to be there. I had time to get food for him. 

I rushed out and walked to a restaurant. I picked up a Thai tea for Jungkook and one for me as well. I then got some lamb kebabs and ramen. 

I took the bus to the hospital and got there at 2:30. (14:30)

I bowed to the workers as I walked past to Jungkook's room. I smiled as I opened the door. He was sitting on his bed playing on his phone. 

"Hello!" I spoke happily. He looked up from his phone and smiled widely, full of shock. 

"You're early. Shouldn't you still be in school?" He asked. 

"I have dance last and the basketball players needed the room. So we had to leave," I spoke sassily as he gave a confused and angry face.

"That's ridiculous! Why can't they just practice outside?" He exclaimed. I agreed with him and we both began to yell about how stupid that whole thing was. I suddenly remembered the food and we both began to eat and drink. 

I liked this, spending time with someone who completely understood me. I just wish I had more of it... time... Because before I knew it, we had talked the day and night away. It was already 1 in the morning and I still had to do homework. 

"Jungkook ah," I spoke as I sat next to him. 

"Yeah hyung?" He questioned. I blushed before speaking. 

"I love you," I kissed him on the lips and when we pulled away he spoke. 

"I love you too."

5 more... 

~ Author's Note ~

Heyo~ Sorry for not updating much! This week was tech week and performance week. I will be back to normal updates next week. However, this book is coming to a close. (X^X) 

You guys can check out my other books if you want. I even have another, and in my opinion, better, Jikook book that I wrote. 

Also, THANK YOU FOR 100 READ AGHH!!! I love you guys so flipping tables much. I hope you guys have a good day,

Bunny // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now